thanks for posting. i dont see how some of these workers even had a chance to use the toilet, let alone a coffee break
thanks for posting. i dont see how some of these workers even had a chance to use the toilet, let alone a coffee break
The really sad part is, when the plants closed Flint died. That town is a shell of it's former self.
The really sad part is, when the plants closed Flint died. That town is a shell of it's former self.
I served my apprenticeship at the, now gone, Fisher Body Plant #1 in Grand Rapids so I really enjoyed this. Every time I hear someone put down the fine people that worked in the Auto plants as "uncaring dimwits" I get pissed and set them straight as to how hard the work was.
Sure there were some a$$holes but every company has them, most of the problems stemmed from bad management driven by unknowing financial guys.