99, part of that post offended me, yet some of it I cant deny. I was a union tradesman before I went to the UAW. I was in REAL union. IBEW Local 58! Not long after being hired, I was told to slow down. After a few years I found the real enemy was middle-management. Ignore talent, cater to slackers. This is managements AND the UAWS fault.
The UAW has become a social entitlement/welfare program, that builds cars on the side.
In Germany, the union is IG Metall. This union partners with management, and actually polices itself. They promise that for a fair wage, and conditions, they will provide a professional workforce. The union itself will actually fire workers. Whereas here, my steward spends 95% of his time, trying to keep the jobs of 5% of the workers, who would, and should be fired anywhere else!