sam dupont
Well-Known Member
unsprung weight. This 15x8 example is under 20 pounds. Race rubber is probably weighs 5 pounds.
I'm making an educated guess based on 40+ years of building race cars, both for personal use and professionally. What are you basing your guess on?Well if you are so certain and serious, tell us how much, what direction, and what negative outcome arises you claim from this 5'? long bent 1.25" bar deflecting this LCA that is of such concern?
Only three? possible answers I see, you don't know, you have actual measurements with and without a LCA lower welded gusset, or you are willing to admit you can only make a guess to this question based on blind faith?
Unsprung weight is important, but for road course use 15" wheels limit your brake options pretty severely. I've used Revolutions, great wheels.unsprung weight. This 15x8 example is under 20 pounds. Race rubber is probably weighs 5 pounds.
RVB923—12561BHR/WIP – Revolution Wheels
The fact that nobody in decades has anything empirical to back up their educated guesses.I'm making an educated guess based on 40+ years of building race cars, both for personal use and professionally. What are you basing your guess on?
A closet drifter are we?Dipshit comes over from a dying site to piss in the pool here.
Go away, man.
View attachment 1573893
This car looks absolutely GREAT !
I agree, some had to go ad hominem for decades past personal grievances, but the OP and thread is still very worthy.Mike had a good thread going here...
I certainly wasn't referring to KD...I agree, some had to go ad hominem for decades past personal grievances, but the OP and thread is still very worthy.
Stop it, you are going to make me cry.The guy had the same habits on another forum where he was equally disliked. He jumps in and questions everything that people like, he uses $5 dollar words as if he thinks he will impress others and rarely gives anyone else's build any respect.
I have to admit KD... as a WA native that made me actually lol coming from a Californian. You aren't wrong though...Suggesting that we get a dictionary to understand you is akin to a Californian moving to another state and expecting THEM to change to HIS standards.
The guy had the same habits on another forum where he was equally disliked. He jumps in and questions everything that people like, he uses $5 dollar words as if he thinks he will impress others and rarely gives anyone else's build any respect.
Do the research lol^This right here.
Guy will act as if he can’t fathom how the “unclean” can question his motives or “wisdom” when he pops in a thread and drops a deuce. Worse yet, he has a habit of posting things where he alone believes he’s “talking over” people’s heads and you won’t understand his snarky response. That usually occurs when he is called out for being a polemical douchebag, after his typical nonsense starts taking a thread down the shitter.
It can be done here as well.. ;O)A different forum I'm on has the ability to ban members from specific threads, sections of the forum, or the whole forum. Perhaps thread specific bans would be beneficial on this site?