Add to that buy cheap (Chinese crap) and toss in the trash when it breaks...
AKA the "Wal-Mart mentality"...or "microwave society"
That statement should also include some cylinder heads too,
or the price point-shoppers, cheapskates, that want "cheap" instead of
Made In the USA or Quality...
No matter who's heads, that's your choice
If you want the most out of them;
they should be professionally ported & flow tested to back it up
assembled, with the proper quality components,
have all the proper machining clearances etc.,
all by someone that knows what they are doing,
not just some local yokel
they should be matched,
to the components to the heads, bore size/cubic inches, valve size,
camshaft, induction type, ignition selections, trans {converter or whatever}
the gears &/or weight of the car & the needs of the specific combo
{not all cars or combos are the same & don't require the same parts}
again by someone that knows what they are doing !!
not just throwing mismatched parts together, checkbook racing...
A max wedge port isn't always the best choice either
there's lots of great choices out there
INDY customer service is the worst, custom builds turnaround is horrid,
& even quality of the work/craftsmanship or the attention to detail
or parts sometimes too...