Well-Known Member
I don't know WHY you were banned or WHO banned you and I don't really care. You just seem to have a knack for getting involved in controversy. So don't go whining about getting banned from someplace you profess to loathe. That's my perspective. You're free to have your own...
Yes, we are all entitled to our own OPINIONS, that is the entire point I am making regarding all of this. I never STARTED the controversial threads on Moparts, I simply stated my OPINIONS in them.
Actually, it was not even so much my opinions that they don't like, it is the PROOF and FACTS that I give that they seem to have a problem with. Just go back and look at all of my posts. It is easy, just do a search all posts for member 66hemi and see what I have to say vs. others in the threads and you tell me who caused all the problems. I don't start calling anyone names, I don't slander them, I simply state the facts with support proof.
The problem is that there are some members on there that are CONSTANTLY telling people that certain things are illegal when they absolutely are not. When you link them to the actual laws they say they are WRONG. It is in black and white absolute and they deny it. They don't want it to be so, so they just continually try to convince people with a blatent LIE. I tell the truth and show the law and they get all bent out of shape and that is when the lock for the threads come in. SOMEONE HAS TO TELL THE MEMBERSHIP THE TRUTH.
Then you have some that refuse to believe the factory printed material as proof of certain things, they want to believe that it is a printing mistake when it serves their desires. Still yet they use the possibilities of factory mistakes in manufacturing or dated parts descrepencies to THEIR convenience but challenge anyone else that trys to use the same for something else. There is a core group there that are total two faced liars.
Why do I post on the site? Two reasons.
1. Because it is the largest most active group of Mopar people on the net. There are many good people on there with a lot of knowledge. You can't let a few of them ruin it for everyone else.
2. Someone has to step up and call a spade a spade so they don't poision the rest with lies. If it causes turmoil, I really can't take the blame when I am the one telling the truth and providing the facts.
BTW, as you can see from my first post, I am not whinning but rather laughing at being banned....AGAIN. They have no idea how many people it make stop and think and how many people they lose when things like this happen. There will always be the core group laughing and cheering at my ban, it is the silent ones that they don't consider. Those people quit posting, and some simply leave because of the Gestopo tactics. Just because the majority don't speak doesn't mean they don't listen and react. That I SUSPECT is the REAL reason for the ban. Typically when those contriversial threads really get rocking is because suddenly others start READING the facts and start questioning the liars.....BANG the lock comes. They simply can't handle being caught in the lie and don't WANT people educated to the truth. It is definately NOT a democratic site and that is why I call them NAZIs.