L.A Barn Find ?

Okay Not really in a barn but in East L.A in one of the worst areas i found this "70 Hemi challenger"...and yes my buddy bought the car...
the story goes like this...
i was surfing Craigslist when i found a 68 Dart that was hit in front and i thought Good race car ? so i called the guy and he suggested that the car was only good for parts...so i ended up talking with this guy for over an hour about mopars... he then told me about a Hemi 70 Challenger that has been in his Neighborhood since he was a teen,...i realize that everyone has a story about a car they once had or seen or know about, but something about this guys story i just had a feeling he had seen the car... the guy was describing every detail down to the cracks in the dash,and he said the car was still there, i asked him how did he know about it and he said he's a UPS driver and delivers packages there all the time, i asked why hasn't anyone bought the car? he stated none of his friends have $50k !! and have been offering $5000.00 "YES Five Thousand" i asked him if he would be willing to give me this guys info and he agreed...
I then immediately call a friend who i knew had the money and told him what i had just found... he said put the deal together and ill buy it !!Now this is a life long friend that I've known for 39 years and im 45 years old...
So i call the guy who owns the car and Holly S*@t he calls me Back !! and agrees to let us see the car, he said $50k not a penny less...i agreed, if it is what you say then its a deal !! so the fallowing weekend we go down to the arm-pit of L.A and sitting there between two house's is this 70 challenger with 4 flat tires and as we walk up to the car it says 426 Hemi on the hood...WOW could this really be a factory or a clone so we then start to check all the vin numbers and yes a factory all numbers matching 4~Speed, Dana, Hemi car !!...but here's where thing get interesting !! the owner here's my buddy and i like to kids in a candy store confirming all the numbers to the the car are matching, and as we crawl out from under the car and agree to purchasing the car he now said $70k !! What ? you said $50k he said $70K or forget it!!... "we had just confirmed his car was a real Hemi car" i told my friend forget it...my friend then turns to him with his hand out and say's $65K and the guy agreed $65K !!
Two weeks later my Bud was at a car show with car and was offered $130K for the car from the Drummer of a band called Korn..He turned it Down