Hello this is just a question i am throwing out there to see if anyone has ever had there battery explode in the car while it is in storage on a battery maintainer. I have a 69 GTX and have had the battery on a maintainer ( a good one by deltran) and was just sitting in the living room when a load bang went off in the gaurge went out there lifted the hood to find the hole top and sides of the battery were gone into pieces. Fortunately the only damage was some of the plastic cut my hood insulation i think that saved my hood. No physical damage any were body wise or paint wise so i pushed the car out and cleaned it off right away. I talked to deltran and had my maintainer sent it to be tested and they said it checked out ok. Just looking to see if this has happened to any one else everybody i tell says they have never heard of a battery blowing up while on a maintainer.