I cruise like this but am currently looking for some track wheels to clear my SSBC conversions (11.2" discs)
20x9.5 in the rear, 18x8 in the front - Coys C5
I like the look if done right with the height and pitch of the car. I'm an old man and have come to embrace it. If we would have had the rim selection that is available today, back in the 70s we would have playing with it too.
I'm going with 17" front, 18" rear with 2" drop spindles in front, 1" drop leafs in the rear on my 68 to maintain a little "rake". The Runner in the OP is too low, looks like a Mexican dope Runner IMHO.
This is nice but 20x22 is a little too much. The front end could come down a touch.
Check out Jimbo, Hydrgoon and Barelad's set up on this site.
Riiiiight. Do they even make a 60 series for a 17" rim? Would look pretty stupid if they did plus it would be damn tall.
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Ha, ha,. Do they like driving sponges in Finland?
Low profile rubber will perform of course, but at a sacrifice to ride quality, and also transfer a huge amount of stress to the suspension. Yep, NEW cars are using lower and lower profile, whilst also using larger wheel diameters and widths, but their suspension is also designed with this in mind.
Unfortunately, putting those same wheels and tyre combinations on 40 plus year old style suspensions is not a good idea.
One of my biggest clients is one of the world's largest manufacturer of....tyres (and the most profitable by far globally). Their head of R&D spoke at great length, many times, about the physical limitations of large wheels with low profile rubber.
Low profile rubber will perform of course, but at a sacrifice to ride quality, and also transfer a huge amount of stress to the suspension. Yep, NEW cars are using lower and lower profile, whilst also using larger wheel diameters and widths, but their suspension is also designed with this in mind.
Unfortunately, putting those same wheels and tyre combinations on 40 plus year old style suspensions is not a good idea.
Benno's car for instance, has had uprated suspension mods, isn't that right mate? I believe he is using Magnum Force..(correct me if I am wrong).
This is a good thing if you want to run lower profile rubber. But if you are not? Well you are running a lot of unsprung mass plus you just sacrificed performance. Although you might think that initially your car corners better, you need to think about where those forces are ending up, and, what they are doing once they get there.
It is like upgrading your engine to higher horsepower, but leaving everything else in the drive train stock.
One of my biggest clients is one of the world's largest manufacturer of....tyres (and the most profitable by far globally). Their head of R&D spoke at great length, many times, about the physical limitations of large wheels with low profile rubber.
Low profile rubber will perform of course, but at a sacrifice to ride quality, and also transfer a huge amount of stress to the suspension. Yep, NEW cars are using lower and lower profile, whilst also using larger wheel diameters and widths, but their suspension is also designed with this in mind.
Unfortunately, putting those same wheels and tyre combinations on 40 plus year old style suspensions is not a good idea.
Benno's car for instance, has had uprated suspension mods, isn't that right mate? I believe he is using Magnum Force..(correct me if I am wrong).
This is a good thing if you want to run lower profile rubber. But if you are not? Well you are running a lot of unsprung mass plus you just sacrificed performance. Although you might think that initially your car corners better, you need to think about where those forces are ending up, and, what they are doing once they get there.
It is like upgrading your engine to higher horsepower, but leaving everything else in the drive train stock.
I cruise like this but am currently looking for some track wheels to clear my SSBC conversions (11.2" discs)
20x9.5 in the rear, 18x8 in the front - Coys C5
I got nothing bad to say about stock suspension if rebushed and given a birthday, I went with aftermarket cause I wanted to haha
Calling someones car "Retarded" is a prick move. Feel free to say you don't like it, but being an jerkoff isn't the way to make any friends.
One inch of sidewall? Surely this is an exaggeration on your part. If I ran tires like yours, my car would handle like ****. I know because those black wheels and tires you saw in the picture were only on the car while I had it at a body shop to fix a fender. Driving on 70 series tires with 6 inch wheels was like steering in mud. Steering response sucked, the tires squealed at turns over 25 mph and the car understeered terribly.
Ron, you like drag racing? GREAT ! Your classic setup works great for that. Your attitude though really fits what I wrote. Older guys often don't care about cornering and braking like the younger guys do. Usually though, older guys are courteous and respectful. Your post made you look like a bitter old geezer. I've read your posts for years on Moparts and before now always found you to be helpful to people.
I didn't go with big wheels to be trendy. I don't wear the newest fashions or sport the newest hairstyle. Technology isn't really my thing either. I went with big wheels because there are better choices for performance tires in the bigger sizes. I like to do more than blast in a straight line. You don't hear me insulting you for how your car looks. I could spout equally offensive comments if I wanted to.
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" I guess I have just got tired of guys telling me........................hey you have to change with the times. Well I believe if you have something you like then..."
Do you still use pay phones? Rabbit ears instead of Satellite TV? Mow your yard with a gear driven push mower? Save your S & H stamps to buy that set of encyclopedias?
I resist most forms of progress until something comes along that is really an improvement. I understand being resistant to change. When I hear of people camping out to get a new "smart" phone, I laugh. I don't drive by these people and shout my opinions at them.
After reading this thread and looking at the pictures I don't like a wheel over the size of 15 inch on classic cars. I think it's more the low profile tires I don't like than the wheels. To make the larger wheels look right the cars have to be lowered. I don't really like lowered cars. My BMW has 18 inch wheels and low profile tires and I have replaced three rims that got bent from hitting a pot hole. I'm more interested in a good ride than road racing around curves. Drum brakes don't good on the rear of cars with big rims so four wheel disc brakes is a must. But everybody has different tastes and styles. I found this pic on the web. Looks great.
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Nice color
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I prefer 15's on my 66
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I don't like the chevy cowl hoods on Mopars either. The sad fact is though, few styles offer the mix of aerodynamics and clearance that this design does.