Simple mind, it must hurt to be you.Who gives a **** if you “know people” ?
Another makes the ignore list.
Simple mind, it must hurt to be you.Who gives a **** if you “know people” ?
Another makes the ignore list.
That wasn't to the "Point" You continue to just post made up crap. You have no evidence of what you posted. You just hope it's true. At someone else's expense. And this type of nonsense causes damage. There are newer and younger users of this site reading this. And they're supposed to trust anything we suggest? I wouldn't.I am to the point where I strongly distrust the same people that enact a "free crack pipe" program at the same time as giving advice on how to stay healthy.
Actually sounds like you’re a bit into the CT thinking. I have to agree with Kern - How do you trust ANY of these idiots in position of power when they’ve openly lied to us so many times in the past several years and who knows before that? I believe nothing said on the news, publications and things designed for the masses to quit thinking for themselves because these idiots believe they can design how we think. Sorry not me. I don’t get your mini rant above - but how do you come up with “you know more people with insight” than another? I’m going to say that about me - I”lol guarantee I know more people with insight than you do. How the hell do you know - you know nothing about me or my connections and the connections my connections have. If you want to lay dicks on the table I’ll bet mine is bigger than yours too. And as for Nancy Pelosi - That was just a downright dumb thing to say. I have little doubt you know how much that woman is despised and yet you thru that in as a purposeful dig. Read what you post before you post it. You never know - or in your case maybe you do…….Conspiracy ridden minds.... In the face of pandemic-level panic our minds have a tendency to seek explanations that match the power of our feelings. Most conspiracy theorists aren’t theorizing so much as they’re looking for answers and finding ones that resonate with the mistrust that got them searching in the first place.” Just my opinion.
Could have fallen and banged it, maybe against the corner of a table or something.Bob Saget didn't hit himself on the back of the head!![]()
It is surprising how many die from falls? It's like 7th or 8th leading cause. True, many are elderly. But with everything scary in the world? A coffee table may be your nemesis?Yeah, a famous male Hollywood actor died several years ago, I forget which one and it doesn’t matter who, really. But he was drunk, fell, hitting his head on his night stand. Bled to death. I’m not saying that Saget was drunk or bled, just that fatal falls happen. A local guy died here a few years ago. Fell on his stairs. Refused to go to the hospital despite several friends saying that he should go. Bled to death when a broken rib cut something inside.
Could have fallen and banged it, maybe against the corner of a table or something.
As we all age, it ain't a bad idea in general to take knocks to the head seriously, really....
I know I've taken some in younger years and didn't think anything of it, for example.
Difference now is - a lot of us aren't spring chickens anymore.
Slow brain bleed in your sleep is no way to check out of this life if you ask me.
Man, everyone's so amped up these days, jumping at shadows, turning on each other.
The fact is the guy is dead and it's extremely unlikely anyone on
Where did that hypothesis come from? Alt right nutbag chatter? Have they ever been right? Just once? Did the "Q" prophecies ever produce anything but ridiculous narrative that's not worthy even in a game of Dungeons and Dragons? Making crap up and throwing it out there to see if anything sticks is not worthy of any discussions. It leads to lowest denominator that dumbs us all. And listening to the alt right? We can't afford anymore stupid.It makes no difference if Saget struck his head accidentally and died as a result of the injury. However, if Saget's death is vaccine related, it is big news because of his celebrity and adds to the ever growing list of deaths and injuries from the jab.
Actually sounds like you’re a bit into the CT thinking. I have to agree with Kern - How do you trust ANY of these idiots in position of power when they’ve openly lied to us so many times in the past several years and who knows before that? I believe nothing said on the news, publications and things designed for the masses to quit thinking for themselves because these idiots believe they can design how we think. Sorry not me. I don’t get your mini rant above - but how do you come up with “you know more people with insight” than another? I’m going to say that about me - I”lol guarantee I know more people with insight than you do. How the hell do you know - you know nothing about me or my connections and the connections my connections have. If you want to lay dicks on the table I’ll bet mine is bigger than yours too. And as for Nancy Pelosi - That was just a downright dumb thing to say. I have little doubt you know how much that woman is despised and yet you thru that in as a purposeful dig. Read what you post before you post it. You never know - or in your case maybe you do…….
Now apologize to a fellow FBBO member and kiss and make up …. That was bull ****…..
“He’s my god” Wow - you’re a piece of work. I would have never expected all that from you as I read a lot of your posts. But then again we don’t really know one another do we? As for your bold and self described assertions - the one who claims to be the smartest man in the room - you can be sure isn’t.I said, like your state thinks Nancy Pelosi is a hero to our counties problems. When was the last time she lost an election in California. The whole state is out numbered with people that obviously enjoy their and or her way of thinking. I would then say there are more that don't despise her, you must be thinking of another state. I Enjoy my life, my money and the things I have accomplished and none of that has to do with CT's. That thinking to me is non productive and I'm very productive, which takes us to the dick measuring contest. I would never make a comment like that unless I was sure of my position in this small world I run around in. My place at the table with these people is without a question interesting at the least. To go on and explain would only bring on more thoughts of my arrogance and open up about people I have no right to use to prove my point. I can and will repeat myself only once more, I do know more about the subject by accident, than he knows for a fact.......... (Now apologize to a fellow FBBO member and kiss and make up …. That was bull ****)…. Have you ever asked him to apologize to those that he berates, talks down to and embarrasses on a non stop basic all in the name of having fun and then blame them for not understand his sense of humor. He's obviously your pet, I suggest you keep him on a leash so he doesn't get hit by a car. He's your God, you carry him around as a sign of your like thoughts and beliefs, I don't owe him the time of the day. What I will do is keep my thoughts and opinions to myself and not talk about things I know for a fact would require me to back up all of it with names and titles of people I would never talk about in an open forum. I'm done!
It is surprising how many die from falls? It's like 7th or 8th leading cause. True, many are elderly. But with everything scary in the world? A coffee table may be your nemesis?