:iamwithstupid: Wow I go up the hill to help my old Aunt & Uncle for a day, & I am missed so, so much...LOL... I know lately I've been on allot, it helped to keep me somewhat sane anyway while I was stuck inside all day & night... I'm glad I have so many caring or concerned people looking out for me... yeah right !!... It was pretty much the 1st whole day, I could really do anything outside, with out a bunch of smoke or smell of smoke gaging me... MarPar good old Pops is still gone down to my brothers place, he'll be back probably next week... I'd take that top chopper kiwigtx cool stuff , I'm sure glad I'm not hearing or seeing all the chopper & planes up here anymore... Gregory C, hell I wish I was paid by the word, I'd be wealthy, maybe me & Joey could work out a deal...He he ha ha... Yeah guys I tend to ramble on sometimes, get a little wordy... Ski I'm not "in heat" but it's getting hot up here, from the sun at-least & not the fire... thank goodness & many thanks to all the great fire fighters, it's all pretty good up here in Budnicks land once again... Thanks guys, I needed that laugh :headbang:
Gpuller I was logged on, early in the morning...