I kinda have mine like that now. The exception is that the stock black and red wires are still connected to the ammeter. They still go through the bulkhead, but the OEM wire going from the starter relay to through the bulkhead is also a fusible link.
1. I understand that it's better to disconnect the OEM fusible link wire from the the starter solenoid, find where the wire continues into the interior via the bulkhead, and then cut it from wherever it splices into the interior harness. This avoids using the bulkhead for power from the starter relay. Then I take MY fusible link/8g wire and run it from the starter solenoid, though a grommet, then splice it where I cut the OEM wire that goes to the interior harness.
I can't find anyone to tell me I'm right there, but it makes sense.
2. Where I'm stuck is that I don't know which wire comes from the alternator through the bulkhead so that I can cut THAT wire from the interior harness, then splice MY 8g wire from there, though the grommet, then to the alternator.
Is it literally the one circled in green so that I can just look at the bulkhead and find the wire indicated? If so, that's super easy, I've just never had anyone actually say it.
I want to reiterate: I know VERY LITTLE about electrical, so learning this as I go. These diagrams make perfect sense in theory, I just don't know where all the wires are on the car.
If I can figure it all out, I'd be more than happy to make a "Dummy's Guide to the Fleet Bypass" or whatever so you guys don't have to spell it out to any more dummies. LOL
Thanks, again, for everyone who keeps replying to these threads, over and over. I do understand the theory and reasoning, just want to be sure I'm bypassing the right wires.
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