There was a movie made by Bo Duke where it starts in a bar with a drunk Duke!
Bo is gassed and he is in a “My car is faster than your car” argument. It ends in a title for title drag race.
Bo stumbles out to a pathetic looking Charger that’s a barf looking color with duct tape holding the bumper on and other “redneck” repairs. It’s quite the sight!
The other fellow has a really fancy foreign race car
Bo goes to line up on the street and mistakenly puts the Charger in reverse almost causing havoc!!
Finally in the staging lanes Bo grabs a shifter that probably came out of a Uhaul truck and the race is on……
Those mismatched tires grabbed the best they could and low & behold that Charger won by a bent bumper length.
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!!!
No No it’s all true.
Grabbing the Sportscar Title

from the Loser, Bo heads back into the woods.
Pulls the barf colored Charger up to a brightly lit barn. He then grabs a wand of a power washer and proceeds to Blast the latex paint off revealing that awesome Chrysler orange color. The General Lee is transformed right in front of your eyes!!!
This was a personally made movie by John Schneider