pics help THE SELLER more then a buyer and they can make or break a sale.
i could start my own sellers manners
crazy as it sounds, i find it alot harder to buy something then selling it!
here i am with a pocket full of money,
burning a huge hole in it with a long list of stuff i want/need.
i have no clue who i'm dealing with,
all i want is a warm and fuzzy feeling that i'm getting what i want
in a condition that is acceptable to me before the loot leaves my hand.
not much to ask for when everything is very expensive to buy.
i can't count the times that i've asked for pics
and the seller has to go get them...
i could see it if i'm asking for something specific
but thats not the case.
so you wait for a few days,
then you get pics back,
too far away,too dark or not in focus.
i do not KNOW you!
i'm not paying top dollar on a leap of faith!
at this point,
i go away and do not bother anymore.
why thank them when all they did is waste my time?
i feel like i'm dealing with a child now!
if i have to ask for better pics..
this is the internet and if your selling something,
its the sellers JOB to SHOW me the item!
i shouldn't have to wait or squint at pics but
a majority of the time i do!
some items i won't even attempt to buy off the internet
they are expensive and the details of the item
are very hard to see in a good pic.
i hate buying stuff