i completely rebuild my 400 CUI Engine from my 78 Magnum.
The origninal camshaft was worn out and i replaced it by a Edeldbrock Performer one.
Ill think i did something wrong in reassembling the engine. She is running normal, but i have a strange noise from the frontend from time to time (like some nuts in tincan while shaking). The distributor is shaking a bit. My first tought was that the distributor shaft is out of round, but that is not the case.
Ill tryed to move the camshaft with an gigant Screwdriver and i seen that i can move the camshaft a bit in each direction foreward and backwards.
I am very sure that i dont forgot any part while reassembling the engine.
While unmount the old camshaft i missed any retainer clip like i know that from Ford engines.
But i found a article in the internet that the Chrysler Engines running in the opposite direction of the Ford Engines, so the tendency to push the camshaft in direction of the Radiator is not given.
Maybe some of you have an idea for me.
Thanks in advanced
i completely rebuild my 400 CUI Engine from my 78 Magnum.
The origninal camshaft was worn out and i replaced it by a Edeldbrock Performer one.
Ill think i did something wrong in reassembling the engine. She is running normal, but i have a strange noise from the frontend from time to time (like some nuts in tincan while shaking). The distributor is shaking a bit. My first tought was that the distributor shaft is out of round, but that is not the case.
Ill tryed to move the camshaft with an gigant Screwdriver and i seen that i can move the camshaft a bit in each direction foreward and backwards.
I am very sure that i dont forgot any part while reassembling the engine.
While unmount the old camshaft i missed any retainer clip like i know that from Ford engines.
But i found a article in the internet that the Chrysler Engines running in the opposite direction of the Ford Engines, so the tendency to push the camshaft in direction of the Radiator is not given.
Maybe some of you have an idea for me.
Thanks in advanced