Well-Known Member
I had my brother do a dyno simulation on your possible tunnel ram combo with a crane solid cam that we've run. I was curious as to how it would rev in a 383. It's got a really slow ramp like BSB67 mentioned in his earlier post and is certainly not a "state of the art grind" but would probably keep the valve train intact at 8k.
Specs: 383, 11:1, Crane solid 248/258 @ .050.. it's a slow ramp 310/320 and .5/.52 lift with 1.5s. Tunnel ram@1200cfm edelbrock heads out of the box with IQ52's flow numbers.
Specs: 383, 11:1, Crane solid 248/258 @ .050.. it's a slow ramp 310/320 and .5/.52 lift with 1.5s. Tunnel ram@1200cfm edelbrock heads out of the box with IQ52's flow numbers.