What kind of carb is it ?? let me make a guess it's probably a Edelbrock Carb too... very common sounding symptoms & complaints with them... how long since you have changed fuel filters ?? what kind of pump electric or mechanical ?? what engine ?? can you see fuel in the filter ?? is the engine getting hot, is there a bunch of excessive under hood heat ?? do you have a filter before the pump & before the carb ?? how old is all of these parts ?? have you done any mods or tuning lately ?? is it the original fuel lines & fuel system ?? etc. more info would be good too... I wonder if your fuel pick-up/sending unit picking up crud from the bottom of the fuel tank when it gets low, crap going thru your fuel system getting into your carb causing the accelerating or float level/supply issues possibly or some other cause from crap in the fuel system... has the tank been replaced ?? has the fuel sending unit or the sock on the end of it, ever been replaced ??... These older cars with old fuel systems are prone to debris getting into the pick-up/sending unit or the sock deteriorating sucking crud, corrosion, sediments, into the pick-up or allowing debris to get into the lines, causing an intermittent fuel problem... It could be something none fuel related too, like a bad wire or a bad coil getting hot etc. too... IMHFO we really need more info & a better description of all the symptoms & all parts involved, to give a good guess or theory on what actually might be going on here... It's just wild a$$ guessing with out more information... Depends on what the actual cause really is, need to figure that out 1st... maybe you could isolate or insolate the fuel lines & carb from direct engine or under hood heat, cast iron really absorbs allot of heat & stores it for a long time... If it's a heat related issue... Sometimes you can just block of the heat riser to the intake manifold or add a phenolic spacer or heat shield under the carb, to help keep the carb cool, prevent vapor lock or heating the fuel in the carb... Sometimes vapor lock is a cause too, maybe the return lines for the vapor canister are partially clogged & not allowing the vapor to vent back to the tank, maybe a tank vents clogged on old fuel system, crap or bugs gets in them sometimes, maybe you could clear out the lines blow air thru all of them... I'm just spit-balling here, hopefully it's something simple... good luck
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common problems with old fuel systems