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Chemtrails & global warming

Ok guys, do a little research and you will find that this earth has been completely thawed and completely frozen over many times in our planets past history. Yes I believe global warming is happening but I do not believe we effect it much. The earth is constantly changing & we have just happen to live in a very weather stable time period until recent signs of change we are just happening to notice. big shots know global warming is very big business right now so why not profit from it.

Now the nuclear testing and accidents that have happened in the past I believe have led to an elevated rise in cancer & other illnesses around the globe. We are just not made aware of the levels we are exposed to every day. For example there is a layer of radio active silt at the bottom of Loch Ness that is not suppose to be disturbed. This layer of silt it thought to be from the chernoble incident.

Just imagine that the south American rain forrest gets a lot of its nutrients from dust particles carried by wind from the African deserts. If that's possible then other events around the world can certainly affect us here!

The Mayans did not predict the end of the world. The translation was the end of days as man knew it. And our climate as I knew it 30 years ago does not exist today. I use to walk on froze over ponds and lakes when I was 10 for most of the winter. Now at age 40 we haven't been able to do that in many years.

Sorry to ramble but our planet goes through cycles and our current global warming is just part of that cycle. I just get upset that some people are trying to profit from it.

Perrenial Equinox, roughly every 27K years, polar shift, arrid zones instantly become frigid zones due to crust shifts, Antarctica is depicted as Green land mass 30 degrees northeast of where it now sits................the Piers Ries map from 1500's.....Current tomography shows land as mapped by Piers Ries........also the longitude of the Piers map is PERFECT, a function our mercators couldnt dial on accurately until advent of marine chronometer in 1800's, still not as accurate as the Piers Ries mapping.

Actually, i use Billet.
damn foia, damn them.........oy fukin vey

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Like I said in my previous post.

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Planet Earth does not give a **** what we do...or DON'T do. It'll be around for another five to ten billion years. Mankind's total time here is but a single grain of sand in the Earth's timeline. What we do CAN hurt us, but it isn't gonna do **** to the Earth, the climate, or anything else about the Earth. And Man is at the height of arrogance to even think we can do anything to "save" the Earth.

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Nice Photoshop there.

......'kay.......Yes, the Earth will continue on for millions of Years......that makes it ok all the millions of species that man in his self indulgence has erradicated, makes it ok to litter it with refuse.....yep, the Mother will prevail, and one of Her remedies is getting rid of us, the disease that fux with the immune system......make all the excuses you want, dont concern yourself over solutions
i.c. litter
I dont Really Believe what Any Asshole on Faux News says. Or any of the Media.

George Carlin said: How are going to save the Earth when we cant even take care of Eachother? We half to change ourselves before we can change the Planet. All we do is Destroy everything, and Kill eachother. The Human race will Die off, Go extinct and the Earth will Heal Her self.

People are Apathetic and blind. Everyone has a Phone that will make them Waffles and Rub their Balls. So no one Wants to rock the Boat. We have lost the Needed Harmony between Man and Nature...Too much Dissonance on the Planet.

"What have they done to our fair sister?
Ravaged and Plundered and Ripped her and Bit her
Stuck her with Knives at the side of the Dawn"
It's the way of nature for any and every creature to make their way to feed and grow until they can reproduce.

We like all other creatures have developed tools that allow us to do that well but we also have developed an exaggerated idea of how big we are.

As others have said this world is bigger than we make it out to be. What we do here is just a spit in the ocean. One large volcano can cancel every effort we use to lower "green house gasses" for years. For us to spend billions or trillions of dollars to fix something that is not broken or feels like it might be broken is just irrational and frantic. An effort to this end would create jobs and that might be of some short term value. But so would digging ditches and filling them in.---A misguided application of talent and resources.

Bad science has been with us since our beginning.--Bad science happens when an idea looks to be correct and the door is closed to further discussion.

We all have heard the that---The discussion is over---

I have come to a block in conversations like this many times. ---It is common to hear this----Well can't we just pretend that I am right and spend this giant effort just in case I am right??? What kind of argument is that??
**** Man. All id like to really see is a collected effort on the part of humanity.........
TO STOP FUKIN' LITTERING!!!!!!! Doesnt cost a god damned penny to FAKE THAT!....its the difference betwween giving a ****
or not.
i.c. litter
Actually, i use Billet.
damn foia, damn them.........oy fukin vey

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......'kay.......Yes, the Earth will continue on for millions of Years......that makes it ok all the millions of species that man in his self indulgence has erradicated, makes it ok to litter it with refuse.....yep, the Mother will prevail, and one of Her remedies is getting rid of us, the disease that fux with the immune system......make all the excuses you want, dont concern yourself over solutions
i.c. litter

So, when the dinosaurs were eradicated 65 million years ago, guess what? The Earth healed itself. Explain that. No humans around then, no SUVs, no industry, so we didn't kill them off! But, again, the Earth healed itself. Life came back. Wow. Cool, huh?

And I'm out, too. It makes no sense explaining what is common sense to most, to people who refuse to step back from the "Climate Change" Kool-Aid and think logically about their positions. Ciao!
Everyone has a Phone that will make them Waffles......

I have a flip phone and don't even know how to text! If I had an "everything phone" I wouldn't have 2 minuets to myself in a day! (lol)
when it comes to Bankers, who run ALL the ****, start every fukin war and fund ALL sides, no matter how paranoid one is, one is never paranoid enough!

And you have CLEARLY made us all know that you are top ranked.

Can you say delusional paranoia - Can you say delusional paranoia - Can you say delusional paranoia - Can you say delusional paranoia - Can you say delusional paranoia - ..........

Sir... SIR... Please step away from the cool aid table!
How I feel after reading this thread.


Guess I better park the old cars, sell off the excavating company, and go live in the woods by the river in hopes that I won't cause any more Global Warming. Isn't that trademarked by Al Gore or something? :icon_butt:
And you have CLEARLY made us all know that you are top ranked.

Can you say delusional paranoia - Can you say delusional paranoia - Can you say delusional paranoia - Can you say delusional paranoia - Can you say delusional paranoia - ..........

Sir... SIR... Please step away from the cool aid table!
bone up on Andrew Jackson & i stand any gd place i want, but my koolaid is not the **** you refer.....can you day Debt free, debt free, debt free........

How I feel after reading this thread.


Guess I better park the old cars, sell off the excavating company, and go live in the woods by the river in hopes that I won't cause any more Global Warming. Isn't that trademarked by Al Gore or something? :icon_butt:

Do whatever, im not selling my car though......READ the first post where i clearly state the cause is NOT cars & industry.....jeezzis. al whore is just that.....you dont know **** about me........i am Debt FREE.....are you...highly doubtful....plastic is most likely your mantra.....slavery of the 21st century and you fools just keep on ushering the **** throough the front door.....feel the fascism....locked in, cant get out from under....16 Tons, another day in debt,

DEBT FREE.Debt FreeDebtFreeDebtFreeDebtFreeDebtFree........

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**** Man. All id like to really see is a collected effort on the part of humanity.........
TO STOP FUKIN' LITTERING!!!!!!! Doesnt cost a god damned penny to FAKE THAT!....its the difference betwween giving a ****
or not.
i.c. litter

Only mantra i really care about, because this is a direct reflection on the real nature of man.....Sloth! Arrogance, Insolence,Greed.......
Do whatever, im not selling my car though......READ the first post where i clearly state the cause is NOT cars & industry.....jeezzis. al whore is just that.....you dont know **** about me........i am Debt FREE.....are you...highly doubtful....plastic is most likely your mantra.....slavery of the 21st century and you fools just keep on ushering the **** throough the front door.....feel the fascism....locked in, cant get out from under....16 Tons, another day in debt,

DEBT FREE.Debt FreeDebtFreeDebtFreeDebtFreeDebtFree........

No I don't know anything about you, and you don't know anything about me.

The only debt I am in is for my 20 acre farm site that I bought 3 years ago. But maybe you're going to tell me that land is a bad investment nowadays. My company is completely self sufficient. Did I mention that I'm only 25?

But, back to the topic, everyone who believes in chemtrails has no concrete proof of them, at least as much as I've seen. Contrails have been around since planes have been in the air. When the planes are that far up in the air, the contrails freeze almost instantaneously and do not disperse. The argument that the condensation should not stick around is invalid because you are then implying that clouds should rapidly disperse, seeing as how they are condensation. There is evidence all the way back to the 1920s of contrails persisting. People who think that these are new must have been very unobservant as a child. Not to mention, the tests that "they" perform to show chemical levels are poorly performed using soil testing instead of water testing. If you want to gather data on something that has just been sprayed through the air and settled to the surface of the earth, test the water. Also, most of these reports show normal levels of elements in the soil such as aluminum and barium.

Also, if you are going to blame man kind for global warming, then yes you are blaming industry and our old cars since they are both a product of man kind.
bone up on Andrew Jackson & i stand any gd place i want, but my koolaid is not the **** you refer.....can you day Debt free, debt free, debt free........

And what on Andrew should I bone up on that is in ref. to chem trails? Or that crazy cool aid you drink?
Nice to stay on topic with you.

Can I say debt free? Or the country?

What does that have to do with chem trails and that crap kool aid you drink?

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Only mantra i really care about, because this is a direct reflection on the real nature of man.....Sloth! Arrogance, Insolence,Greed.......

How about the cry babies bitching about things they can not change?

Excellent set of videos!!!!!!!!
This was taken by a good friend of mine.
Yup, it's 200 miles up!

Check out the Chem trails....NONE!

And yes fellow forum members, that is Edwards AFB, that "Whitish L Shaped patch" in the middle (Rodgers Dry Lake bed)
Now, that is San Francisco up top and San Diego on the bottom.

It simply does NOT happen!
C'mon Jimi!

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You need to take your MEDS, Pal!


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I think I would be more concerned with what we know is fact. def fluid is supposed to save us all when introduced into the exhaust of a diesel engine it turns into nitrogen. Allegedly a harmless inert gas that the EPA says is a more desirable side affect of diesel exhaust than carbon and soot,and they may be right but by the EPA's on findings in the article above it seems to argue this point.
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