To me, your comments seem a bit contentious
interesting you should make that note considering you first stated
To me, your comments seem a bit contentious
which is how I know see you and a hypocrite. My
statement was not ment as a insult as I have stated earlier but since you want to yet drive it home as an insult, I'll pick on you and select a quote from you and bitch about it over and over as to make it a point of the same for you and call it being a bully. Since that is the course you seem to want to take.
You seem to enjoy conflict.
Mot as much as you since my comments were directed only to one person and him alone. Since you jumped in on the comments directed to him and I, I can only assume you yourself also enjoy conflict and have found it here with me and will constantly enjoy plugging away at me over and over again.
Jimi has a lot of talent, and it is his belief.
I'm good with that, as yet again I write that.
But, he is not a mental case.
Oh how I could write a paper on that subject again. Who IS the mental case, the one writing or the one claiming his pal is not. Which point of veiw would you like me to defend? I'd like to start a paper on you. Your an interesting case all by yourself just in writing that alone about a person whom you have probably never met. But only know via the net here at the forum.
In fact, he has a lot of followers on the forum and is a valuable contributor.
Which establishes his sanity from your point of view?
Just on that last sentence alone, I am glad you say he does have followers and helps people out. This furthers his place as a valued member and I am glad you think of him that way. This is a good thing. Does this, In your opinion make him sane? or does it make me insane that I do not devote the same amnount of time and have a similar following? I think your insane myself. After all, who are you to decide the sanity of anybody. Please list your degrees in the field.
I have an honest non loaded question for you.
If you ask how my brake job went today and I go off on some odd rant about the PTA, how do you veiw that?
Lets continue with re-asking the question. "How did the brake job go today?"
I go off on a rant about how my fortune teller has a case of the crabs and couldn't stop iching long enough to give me my reading.
I can understand at this point, your probably saying he is having a rough day, so you ask again, "How did your brake job go today?"
I go on a rant about the huge hoard of rats in the city's subway system and the homeless chasing them with bat and sticks while I can see them roasting them across the tracks.
How would you deem this convo? And the person your talking to?
Thank, I think I will once you go away and realize what I have been saying, but I think it is over your head. I'd like to stay and try to help you understand. But wasting time on a person, worming his way into being a bully has limits. It seems you have a hero and wiull defend him no matter what. It is OK for some speech for all but not OK for others directed to and directly to a single person.
Very anti American and I question your patriotism. (And to some extent, your sanity.)