I see where the preferred side clearance for aftermarket rockers is (generally) about .015". My question is, how exactly do you set that clearance...is that when you can get the feeler gauge on any one side of a one rocker at a time? Or, does that mean that as they sit they will have the .015 on each side of each rocker (which seems like too much slop, that would be .060 total of space between any two hold-downs) I hope my question makes sense...in other words (I think?!) as the rockers sit all cuddled up together, I should be able to slide the feeler gauge in alongside a selected rocker and get only the desired clearance, at this same moment putting the gauge in pushes the other rocker and spacers together with no clearance..but as I move the gauge down along the sides of each arm I will get the proper measurement...clear as mud? Thanks!