Well-Known Member
Your guess is not a winner. Sorry but play again tomorrow!69.69
Your guess is not a winner. Sorry but play again tomorrow!69.69
Sorry but tomorrows guess might be a winner. Thanks for playing!I'll admit it, you sucked me in for another 102.42 shot at it
Don't hit the jackpot but you can always play again tomorrow! Thanks!127.32
Not the number I'm looking for but try again tomorrow!143.76
Sorry but wishing you luck with tomorrows guess! Thanks for playing!219.62
Nope. Guess again tomorrow my friend and thanks for playing!132.75
Your guess wasn't it but maybe tomorrows guess will be! Thanks for playing!164.37
Not it but you're welcome to try again tomorrow! Thanks for playing!143.79
Might want to get your pillow and blanket out to the sofa before you tell her she was wrong. If you are still alive tomorrow feel free to guess again and thanks for playing!I would like to give it a shot, and todays guess is supplied to me by my wife and is $84.43.
Is it to early to thank you for the prize?
I know I won because my wife is NEVER WRONG, she tells me so, a couple times a day, every day.
That guess allows you to guess again tomorrow! Thanks for playing!I'm gonna guess again today and say $88.00
The powers of darkness have failed you. Come back tomorrow and thanks for playing!184.26
You didn't get it but tomorrows guess is right around the corner! Thanks for playing!2nd guess for me....
Today's guess is not good enough! You should have plenty of chances if it plays out that long...but I hope it doesn't. Thanks for playing and making me laugh!$212.78 And 3000 posts later a winner.
I regret to inform you that your guess is wrong. Feel free to play again tomorrow and thanks for playing!159.87.
Your guess got you a VIP invitation to play again tomorrow! Thanks for playing!Second guess goes up to $183.33.
Hopefully your third guess tomorrow will do better! Thanks for playing!My second guess is 82.44
Sorry to inform you but you will have to do MOGUESSING tomorrow! Thanks for playing!38.43