Way back when I was on the board at our track, the no A/F rule came up. Of course all the same old arguments came up, street cars, etc etc, and we never did adopt the rule. Some tracks however do have the rule. I've never gone on a mission to list the tracks, but here is some discussion I found on a 2 sec Google search.
Antifreeze rule at strip
In 2016 I blew the crank out of my motor at about 110, and got er pulled over. First thing the track safety guy said was" are you running antifreeze?" Still more concerned about the trash motor, I said uhh no? And the guy like WHEW.
By the time we went and looked back, all of the blocks water on the strip had pretty much evaporated.
It would have been an hours clean up that was avoided, and it was a fairly big event.