8-3/4. You're seeing the casting #. Last digits will be 741, indicating the smaller pinion and u-joint series(7260). If by some chance it ends with 489 or 742 you've scored and it's the large pinion and u-joint(7290). Either way you can verify the gear ratio by jacking up the rear, putting it in neutral and counting how many times the pinion yoke/driveshaft turns during one complete turn of the rear wheel. 2 and about 3/4 of turn of the yoke is a 2.76 ratio, 3 and about one quarter is a 3.23 and so on.Thanks, guys. I just now had a minute to look at the rear end. No bolt on differential cover. It looks welded on from the factory. There is a big serial number on the driver side of the yoke cover ? Can’t quite read it until I raise the car.