After the battery is replaced?Send me your TQ when you replace it with whatever else. I'll pay postage.

After the battery is replaced?Send me your TQ when you replace it with whatever else. I'll pay postage.
Thanks for the pics.he here you go, solinoid works only when A/C is engaged I think.
Yup,not very active,crummy gas and cronic TQ problem of filling fuel bowls are the problem. No ethenol gas available here will switch and drive it more. Thought of electric fuel pump, but not yet.Thanks for your imput much appreciated.Thanks for the pics.
In those photos the fast idle is engaged.
If you start the car like that without touching the gas then the engine should start on fast idle.
Then after a while you should hear the RPMs rise, then you could make a small touch on the gas pedal and the idle should drop down to curb idle.
If the carb is set like in the pics but do NOT start at fast idle, then you could have a leak somewhere.
Also know that modern gas evaporates quickly from the carb when standing for some time, especially in a TQ.
So, after a week of no driving the carb needs to be filled up again.
Car was daily driver from 74-85. Restored it over the next three years and became a show car and good weather cruiser, has about 125K. See attached photos.
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