Where is the water leaking at? Is it sporadically across the floor or does it leak in specific locations? Good way to troubleshoot the leaks is to just lay a hose on the roof, let the water run down the windshield and observe from inside the car. Windshield seals and wiper pivot seals are usually the culprit, but unfortunately there is a darker, deadlier cancer that our B-Bodies can have an issue with as well.........The inner cowl fresh air plenum's. Their located at the top of your fresh air vent boxes. Typically what happens is dust, dirt, leaves, mice nest's, pine needles drop in the cowl through the cowl vent slots. From there that garbage settle's around the lowest point inside your cowl, and you guessed it, right at the fresh air plenum's. After the years go by rust set's in and it rot's away the plenums and surrounding metal. When that happens, water goes down inside the cowl vent openings and run's right down inside the car's fresh air vent boxes and on to your floorboards. Bad new's! The real bad new's is that to properly fix them, the outer cowl needs to be removed to gain access, and obviously that's no walk in the park. I've seen other guys just seal them off from the inside of the car, but then they have no fresh air vent and no outside air making it to the heater box/ac as well.
If you need to inspect your plenum's, you can remove the driver side fresh air box pretty easily. Inspect the rubber boot/seal at the top of it. With a mirror/flashlight you can inspect the condition of you plenum.
The above pic is not a big bowl of nasty-*** popcorn sitting around since 1984. It's a mouse nest filled plenum. Amazingly this plenum on my 69 roadrunner was not rotted through, but the pic should show you what a poor design this is for longevity (being all the garbage & moisture is funneled right to it.) Unfortunately my '68 coronet did not fare as well and I routed for a bit more work, but a bit more drier feet.
Good luck which ever route you need to go to fix it. Wet floors are obviously a horrible thing to begin with.