Welding cast iron is tricky and requires preheat and a slow cool down or you will have more cracks than you started with. I would not touch it with an electric welder of any kind. A pretty reliable method that has been done for years is the lock and stitch repair and is most commonly used on industrial diesel equipment. You need to find both ends of the crack and drill it at those points so they doesn't spread then put a plug in the holes. Overlap the first plug with the next one an so on until the crack is gone. An automotive machine shop supply store like Goodson will have the special tapered cast iron plugs, drills and taps to do the repair properly. If you will just use a block sealer to stop the water leak then I'd run a motor plate off the water pump, even on that one side, as an added measure to remove stress off that mount. I'd still drill a small hole at the end of the cracks though.