I just got back from going to town a couple hrs ago,
I saw 3 deer crossing the road, in 5 miles...
Thankfully it's only 35 mph, most still drive 45+ BUT;
most people here are aware of the abundance of deer in the area,
but still a couple get hit every day...
Funny thing was, I almost got hit by a deer,
a young fawn ran out right in front of my truck,
{I saw him coming out of the brush, usually there's more than 1}
he just slid to a stop, when I was already stopped to turn on the main drag,
it's mother was on the side of the road stomping her front feet,
like she was pissed at the fawn for going across the street...
Coming home I saw 2 dead deer on the shoulders too...
You'd think they'd figure out cars are like a predator ?,
to stay away or aware of them or be weary at-least !!
they get scared by leaves ratting ?,
spooked by little things, but not an engine rumbling or road noise ?
Seems they'd learn, they learn to take scraps & who's nice etc.
but don't get it a car/truck or road crossing is bad/dangerous ?
I got my eyes on the sides of the road like radar,
I know they are there, I know they will leap out too,
it's just a matter of "when, NOT if", they will jump out...