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Disco Party??? WTH

We (wife) got invited to a freaking disco party (I hate the clothing and the music!) and my wife wants to go so, I will but I ain't dressing up in no damn leisure suit! Instead, I'll wear what looks like late 60's bell bottom jeans and a ratty T-shirt and just watch everyone get drunk and make fools of themselve.s Not sure if da warden will let me take a camera or not and take pics all these over weight pot belly fools dressed in their disco clothing but I'll try. It should be fun (maybe) to watch as the night gets drunker. I won't even have a beer (well, maybe one) but I'll sure try and get my wife drunk. She doesn't really drink but does like to have a margarita or two from time to time and this will be one of those times. Did I mention I hate disco!? Geez, I hate disco.....

Disco's Dead, thank goodness, I was the guy who wore a shirt that said Disco Sucks all the time... I did have a few pairs of bell bottoms & a couple silk shirts thou, I shamefully have to admit...LOL... Class of "77"

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A time when the music had to be the worst that has ever been attempted (Except the Bee Gees). I think anyone during that period of time could get a recording contract. Disco Duck & Convoy are just a couple of examples.

:iamwithstupid: much like the cRap era... I'll take "even disco", over 99% of the cRap stuff, I remember some really good rockers came out of that era... Nugent, Skynyrd, Kiss, Molly Hatchet, Areosmyth, Queen, Rush :headbang: etc.
Was in high school in chicago when they had disco demolition with Steve Dahl , brings back some good memory's . I remember k c and the sunshine band was big on wls radio at the time , also the bg's and big bel bottom pants.they also had some real good concerts at old cominsky park, seen thin lizzy , Santana , journey and some I can't remember , they called the concerts A day in the park, if I remember right.
I remember when the Rolling Stones did "Miss You". Their manager said they had to come up with a disco song or else! Well they did and I was thinking, what in the hell is the world coming too? Luckily that was the only one. Man I hated disco.

We feel your pain Cranky! Better you than me, lol
I agree with Bud, as much as I didn't like disco , some of it was a lot better than any Rap today!
I was made for lovin' you baaaabeeee,

You were made for lovin' meeeeeee.....
I agree with Bud, as much as I didn't like disco , some of it was a lot better than any Rap today!

yeah at-least I can get all nostalgic over the Disco stuff, but can't with cRap, Tone-Loc version of Wild Thing is about as close to liking any cRap artist I ever came... they even mention the Discotech...LOL... They would play it when I brought my 23 Altered AA/A to the line @ Sac. but I have a little biased there my car was the "Wild Thang"... Tone-Loc Wild Thing , www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc9LkE0vpvk
What I liked about it was the girls in the clubs dressed sexy as hell.Music sucked but the babes were hot.
You didn't hear this from me. But the word on the screet is, Disco is on the way out man. huggy bear.jpg
A pic of friends of ours from down the street. I won't let him forget this one lol


My wife and I....notice I'm not in 'costume' lol


The guy that the party was for....I really don't know him but my wife works for his wife part time at this place.



The wife forgot the camera and I didn't think about it either but there were plenty of pics taken by our friends down the street if I can get her to send them to me....but why! It was a disco party!
Groooveyyyy, Far out man!
Yeah...there were a few good looking women there but there were also a few that should have never tried to dress up like they did in the late 70's lol. It wasn't bad....except for some of the music!
Yeah...there were a few good looking women there but there were also a few that should have never tried to dress up like they did in the late 70's lol. It wasn't bad....except for some of the music!

That's the spirit! Sounds like a good time!
Hey Budnicks,Class of 77 also. Ashamed to say I did a few Saturday night fever moves on the dance floor. The Chicks loved it back then. Just staying alive ah ah ah ah staying alive!
Well, now I see who all the wallflowers were in high school. :) You guys must have been letting the best parts of life pass you by.

1982, my crew gets invited an airshow at HMS (now RNAS) Yeovilton in England. So we fly our mighty P-3C Orion in there and spend a whole day doing the show. We got invited to a party at the base club, and we show up ready to cut loose, and as we walk in we see nothing but a sea of guys drinking beer. There isn't a gal in sight! We're thinking "worst party EVER!" Then we noticed one of our maintenance folks had disappeared, and one of my pilots and I went over to the dance room to see if he was there, and behold... heaven! Nothing but hundreds of women dancing! As quick as we opened the door we both had girls yanking us out on the floor and we were off to the races. It turned out the Brit guys would rather drink than dance, and the gals were always left to themselves... until 23 Yanks showed up. So the Brit guys got drunk, and we all went home with at least two girls a piece.

A while back I got stuck with chaperoning a school dance for my daughter's middle school (7-8-9th grade). This was back about 2004 or so. The dance starts, and the DJ is playing all this barfy "dance" music that was all the rage at the time, and I was watching the kids dance and just shaking my head. Most of them looked like they would rather be dead than there. I noticed another chaperone who was a nice looking lady about my age, and I strolled over to her and commented on how bad the music and dancing was, and she agreed that it was a shame the kids couldn't grow up on disco like we did. Woo hoo, just the ticket I needed! I asked her if she would like to show these kids how its done, and after a little resistance she agreed. I went to the DJ, asked if he had any disco, and he put on the Bee Gees' More Than A Woman and my fellow chaperone and I showed those kids how it's done. We got the whole floor, and afterwards we had kids, chaperones, and teachers all coming up and asking us to dance and it was nothing but disco the rest of the night. I was so sore I couldn't move the next morning, but it was a blast, and had I been single I could have been a pet for a lot of single lady teachers that night.

The ladies like the guys who can dance. You can be short, tall, fat, skinny, ugly, whatever, but if you can dance that means you got attitude and confidence, and that brings the ladies in. And disco does it better than anything.
COOL STORY I can just see it now, Bruzilla with several gold chains, a silk shirt unbuttoned down to his navel, some cheesy white bell bottom dungarees, shaking his booty, to Dianna Summers with some disco babe, with way too much make-up on...LOL...
I ain't no wallflower, I'm not the best dancer, I'm good enough for the crowd I'm around... Disco concept still sucks, not the crowd I associated with & I did very well, with exerting my confidence & the ladies, you could be a rocker & still dance, it just wasn't in platform shoes, wearing sequence, a silk shirt & cheesy jewelry, with permed big hair... I'm no John Travolta either
Sonny till wears the gold around the neck:jerk:.....and platform shoes..
BTW; lost a fight one night because I fell of my platform shoes ( for men) and turned my ankle!:eusa_pray:
tony orlando:color: & dawn....shoes...
Sonny, you are one of a few guys that can still pull that look off. Cause you are a ladies man!
COOL STORY I can just see it now, Bruzilla with several gold chains, a silk shirt unbuttoned down to his navel, some cheesy white bell bottom dungarees, shaking his booty, to Dianna Summers with some disco babe, with way too much make-up on...LOL...

You forgot to mention my copious amounts of chest hair! :) BTW, what the heck is up with that these days? It's like we jumped some evolutionary page in human development and kids today have no chest hair.

I'm no Travolta either, but that's the beauty of it - you don't have to be. You just have to be good enough to get out there and go instead of sitting in a chair doing nothing, or holding up a wall.

But fear not all ye' haters of disco. Please stay as far away as you can from it! Makes it just that much easier for the real men on the floor. :)
You forgot to mention my copious amounts of chest hair! :) BTW, what the heck is up with that these days? It's like we jumped some evolutionary page in human development and kids today have no chest hair.

I think they shave or wax it off...LOL... I have enough for a few people
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