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Thanks! Went to see the poor pooch tonight. Doc says there is hope but its not good. Her spleen and liver did not look normal in the ultrasound. Premature but cancer could be an underlying problem. She is stable but blood work was real bad. Getting a blood transfusion tonight.

Can only wait and see.......
Devastated right now. We don't know what happened, but Gemma is in ICU with organs shutting down. Anaphylaxis. 4 or 5 years old. Only had her for about 15 months. Wonderful smart dog...........

Not looking good. Praying that they can save her.

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Oh no, this is very sad news. I hope that Gemma comes through this with flying colors. She looks like a great dog I’ll pray a prayer for her!
It's hard to have to leave your dog at the vet like that, for both of you.
Hoping for the best.
We will go see her at 3 today. But we don't think she will make it long-term. They now think its all lymphoma. Not confirmed, but everything is pointing to it.
Still waiting for results, but no denial that she has lymphoma. With chemo, probable best case get a few months of quality time with her then say goodbye. Will know more tomorrow. Devastating.......

Thought I would be growing old with her in retirement.

I’m very sad about the news regarding Gemma. I love dogs, more than most people I meet, and my heart just sinks when I hear about a pup in distress. My prayers are being said for you and your family as you navigate this tender time with her. My prayers are also for the most comfortable circumstance for Gemma. Give her lots of love, and a big hug from all of us here, and if there’s a favorite thing in her life, besides you and your family of course, please make sure that you share with her those things that she loves so much.
I’m very sad about the news regarding Gemma. I love dogs, more than most people I meet, and my heart just sinks when I hear about a pup in distress. My prayers are being said for you and your family as you navigate this tender time with her. My prayers are also for the most comfortable circumstance for Gemma. Give her lots of love, and a big hug from all of us here, and if there’s a favorite thing in her life, besides you and your family of course, please make sure that you share with her those things that she loves so much.
I feel the same way. Well said. Prayers sent.
Lucky for me, my daughter is a veterinarian nurse. Diesel was sick this week with GI issues. He got an ER visit and a bunch of meds all at 1/2 price. Colorado temps are warming up but not over the high 70's. She said a dog came in today with heatstroke. The dog didn't survive. Be careful with your pet's environment.
Lymphoma is a bummer. Know that from a previous dog, Neko. Make the remaining time as special as possible and remember all of the time you had with her. When my wife was at the store earlier today, I was going through my "furry buddies" photo album section on my phone. I was watching some vids of Brutus[ one of Neko's nicknames] romping around with his big sis, Coco. When we had our backyard redone, back in So Cal 10 years ago, he had his own grass to roll on. The yard was just dirt prior. He was ecstatic rolling around, body slamming big sis. Another ahhh moment with him was when we took him to a pet store where we live now so he could pick out his own toy. A little background about him. He was a rescue that showed up right after a fight ring got busted. He was maybe a year old and had several scars on him, was very afraid of other dogs[ even poodles] and people. Didn't even know how to play, never had kindness, a good home and his biggest scars were mental. Everyday was a new day with him. He was never aggressive and would try to hide. Anyway, at this pet store he was hesitant about being in there[ this after being with us for 7 years] and when we got to the toy area he very gingerly picked one out off the shelf. I took it from him and put it back. He slowly pulled it right back out. Ok buddy, thats your new binky. He never tore it up. Whenever my wife was gone and would get home, Neko would find his binky and prance around with it so his mom knew it was him. The ahh times always erase the bad.
Thank you to all for all the kind words!

The sweet angel came home today! She has lymphoma in her spleen and liver. This is a common and aggressive lymphoma in young dogs. They are giving her 6 months. We will make the most of the time left with her...............

Still waiting for results, but no denial that she has lymphoma. With chemo, probable best case get a few months of quality time with her then say goodbye. Will know more tomorrow. Devastating.......

Thought I would be growing old with her in retirement.

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That's all so sad, so young, so much live to live...

Poor Gemma, poor you too...

I feel so bad for you & your family...
Obviously you love & care about your precious dog
I wish the best for her, maybe some miracle, it's amazing their resilience...

such a good looking girl too, she has great sweet eyes

be strong for her, I know you will...
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