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My Mia
Wish the lighting was better, and I could get a pic.
Currently, three shepherds and a cat on the bed with me. The fourth is standing next to me to get petted.
Life is pretty good.
I like the photos
I used to let my dogs up on furniture
(not any of my leather couches or chairs ever)

The only furniture my dog/s 'are allowed on' now, is my bed
the rest it's a 'no no', always been like that
I let my dog come up & he puts his
front legs feet/in between mine/legs sitting in my recliner
& get some pets, right in my face, doen it since he was a lil' dude
but that's the extent of it
even that is pushing it sometimes
dangerous territory (nuts crushing)

According to many/almost all 'professional dog trainers' :jackoff:
you shouldn't ever even allow the dogs/pets on the bed either
(allegedly on any furniture)
It's supposed to be like;
sacred ground,
they will allegedly act/train/discipline better
without that/them perks
supposed to be about dominance & control
the alphas (you/humans) hierarchy in the pack
the sleeping area/your bed 'is one of the big ones'
I do break that rule 'now'

So is the table tops (kitchen & coffee/end tables) & kitchen counters,
some people let them get away with too, 'huge negatory'
any food areas or places with humans drinks, food & cooking/food prep areas
I never have ever allowed that ****
or seating/sleeping, until Elvis (on the bed), getting soft in my old age

just figured I'd share

carry on
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What breed is the orange brown one on the right? I've adopted one that looks similar.
They’re both boxers. The one on the right is brindle (striped.)

I like the photos
I used to let my dogs up on furniture
(not any of my leather couches or chairs ever)

The only furniture my dog/s 'are allowed on' now, is my bed
the rest it's a 'no no', always been like that
I let my dog come up & he puts his
front legs feet/in between mine/legs sitting in my recliner
& get some pets, right in my face, doen it since he was a lil' dude
but that's the extent of it
even that is pushing it sometimes
dangerous territory (nuts crushing)

According to many/almost all 'professional dog trainers' :jackoff:
you shouldn't ever even allow the dogs/pets on the bed either
(allegedly on any furniture)
It's supposed to be like;
sacred ground,
they will allegedly act/train/discipline better
without that/them perks
supposed to be about dominance & control
the alphas (you/humans) hierarchy in the pack
the sleeping area/your bed 'is one of the big ones'
I do break that rule 'now'

So is the table tops (kitchen & coffee/end tables) & kitchen counters,
some people let them get away with too, 'huge negatory'
any food areas or places with humans drinks, food & cooking/food prep areas
I never have ever allowed that ****
or seating/sleeping, until Elvis (on the bed), getting soft in my old age

just figured I'd share

carry on
My rule is no animals in the house. That lasted about 1 year into my so far 36 year marriage.
Dogs should be in the house and part of the family. Even if they're new adoptions that are causing as much trouble as mine are.

I picked these two boys up from the animal shelter a couple weeks ago. I think the little one is the big one's daddy. The little one doesn't quite look like a Boxer, but he's close.
Catahoulas are great. Every other breed I've had has been bad about sneaking off and roaming, but my Catahoula stays with me.
God love any of you who do:


It's all I've ever had too. Wouldn't have it any other way.

We just had Sasha, our 13yr old Cairn Terrier, over to the vet
(she's only been twice in her life; the other time, I believe I
wrote about on here somewheres - hell of a story).
We went in ready to hear the worst....
Instead, docs say she's got some left in the tank.


Wish I could get such a positive prognosis... :)
It's funny to watch the Newfoundlands eat. A full hamburger? No problem they gulp it like an alligator eating a chicken, it never leaves their mouth, no chewing involved. McDonald's ice cream cone. Same. I give it to them horizontally and it's gone in 5 seconds. Since turkeys are cheap right now I cooked them a turkey and I'll feed it to them for the next three days. I put the carcass out for the foxes and Magpies. I'll get another for Thanksgiving.

Adopting my shelter dogs was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Thank God the shelter had a website - I couldn't have gone into the kennels and picked from a couple hundred faces all eager to be my best friend. But I was able to use the website to find the dog closest to being put down. And his two family members who weren't finding a home either. It was something to see them go from super timid to overconfident live wires.
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