I think I'll be taking mine at 62 also,
I did have the talk with an advisor too,
seems it won't really hurt or help me either way waiting...
I have to see if it will effect my current tax status,
it's a couple years away still...
I don't think it's enough at my current level to be of much difference,
just a supplement to my saving, dividends & investments etc....
I'll see if it works out like I hope it does...
It'd be nice to get some of it back !!
Who knows, when we will kick the bucket ?,
take it while we can, while it's still there, my justification is
I paid into it for ever...
Hell, I'll probably end up use it as a car slush fund/parts money anyway...
That is;
I hope in the next 4-5 years nothing changes to drastically,
the stock market could realign or reset again & so far so good,
Pres. Trump's doing what he said he would...
All my fingers & my toes are all crossed...
Maybe a good tax reform will come down the road, SOON
help some of US out some too, some of US stuck in the middle...
Not either rich or poor, even a little will help...
I personally think there should be a limit to getting it too,
if you're a millionaire/billionaire or make over $100k-$200k a year on investments,
or some golden parachute benefits packages, do you really need social security ?
I know all the arguments too...
But, It was meant to help the poor, that couldn't save enough for latter
& now for the so called "middle class" or self employed with no pension plans
just as a supplement etc...
Anyway that's my thoughts
& I don't think the wealthy are the worst problems either, by far...
But that's an easy fix, in comparison to the poor or people,
that can barely get by on S/S, there's a got to be a good compromise...
That's a subject for a different thread,
I don't want to, turn or hi-jack this one...