Well-Known Member
Yesterday I was tuning on the Belvedere because it was idling a little rough. One of the things that I did was take out the idle mixture screws on the 750cfm Eddy I'm running and shoot some carb cleaner into the ports followed by a blast of air. The points on the mixture screws looked good with no apparent damage. Put the mixture screws back in, carefully bottomed them, and backed them out two turns. Started er up and it idled good. About 800 rpm. I proceeded to fine tune the mixture for maximum vacuum. I'm getting about 13-14 Inches of vacuum. The weird thing is that I could run both mixture screws all the way in and the engine would still run. It wouldn't run well, but it would run. Shouldn't that kill the engine? I looked down the carb throat and I couldn't see any gas coming out of the boosters. I'm wondering if the carb is leaking internally or maybe it has the wrong mixture screws in it. I haven't rebuilt this carb but that might be next. Any ideas? Thanks.