People that I gave 'a rats *** about', yeah
Kenny Stabler, his daughter & Cruise Pedregon, may not be famous to some
at the Long Beach GranPrix quite a few years back, sat & ate with us
2 (3 actually) very notable people...
A few famous to me, IHBA drag-boat racers,
Tim Morgan Flying Machine (NHRA-T/F & IHBA-TFH record holder)
*Al Bush was a good friend, record holder/pilot of Crazy Horse
I knew the owners very well, Pete & Marlene were my next-door neighbors
B/TFFB IHBA ET/Speed record/Champions
lots of professional drag racers, way back when pre-2017...
Dave Hough, F/A 'Nanook of the North' Fame, he picked me up
& sat me in his Fuel Altered, I was completely hooked after that
back as far as 1967-ish as a lil' kid (8-ish) even, going with my stepdad Bob,
to many races, he knew a few of them very well...
Him/Bob & his pit crew buddy Wess, were goading me on to go over
ask to get a Polaroid/photo & an autograph...
He/Dave knew they were doing it too, he took it a bit farther...
I've been the vicinity of many famous people/racers
or eating in some of the same areas
in/at NASCAR events too, hospitality stuff, Dodge, Pontiac & Chevy automotive associations
prior to 1997 (dealership connections)
Rusty Wallace from his time with Kodiak/American Snuff/Reynolds
Tobacco Co. sponsorship connections
Sat & BS'd with at the Sears Point, Toyota 350 Road Race,
on the pit wall Friday before qualifying
he was a cool guy to do that, he didn't have to,
I kept asking if;
I was keeping from something, he said no sir, I'd have left already
that made me laugh...
1st time I sat & talked with Don Prudhomme at Ontario Motor Speedway (SoCal)
I was like 15-16 y/o 1974-75-ish, I was sort of a shy kid
I was ecstatic, he was an icon/idol of mine...
Someone I actually looked up to
A couple of Roller Derby & BigTime Wrestling people/celebrities
(famous in their circles) Haystack Calhoon was 1, Bay Bombers were others
at the London Square, KTVU Channel 2, studios
way back in the day, my grandfather was a part-time ref, for both for a time
(he pre-warned me about, it was all an act/fake, not to get too caught up in it)
Lots of NFL guys in Honolulu Hawaii, when the Pro-bowl was still there
at "Duke's" Waikiki Beach usually
before 'it went woke' & they ruined it, game & the location
I have met & sat with a bunch of LA Raiders, Oakland Raiders,
Meet & greets, for PSL owners, not really eating much, just drinks & snacks...
I saw quite a few old Oakland Raiders (mid 60's to early 70's) as a kid,
Tom Flores, Marv Hubbard, Ken Stabler, Cliff Branch, Dave Casper etc.
my dad's shoe store 'Shoe Stable' gave a bunch 'white Puma cleats'
custom ordered fit/made was a big deal back in the day
Long before the "Nike" craze, outfitting everyone...
Lots of more sort of famous, from the University of Oregon Alum,
Phil Knight, Dan Fouts, Peter Jacobson, Marcus Mariota, and Casey Martin
to name a couple...
I knew Dan Pastorini 'well, sort of', I wasn't buddies or anything,
but I bought a bunch of Hemi/Race stuff from him, we were on a first-name basis
we did drink Ice-tea together, out in his Coors-Light race trailer...
Joe Pisano (Uncle Joe in our crowd), Mike Dunn, Ed Pink, Keith Black,
Ed Mondello, and Paul Phaff just to name a few
'The Long Beach gang', I was personally introduced to & dealt with regularly
from a buddy, who was (RIP Al) 'very well connected' that knew them all personally,
*Al Bush, it helped me in my racing tremendously, great resources, knowledge...
One (or more) of the many dealerships I worked for/at, contracted out to,
Ronnie Lott frequented, Concord Nissan & Concord Toyota
he was a friend of mine, Steve's good friend & his regular workout partner
after he wasn't playing...
I watched him make a few commercials, for my buddies dealership
(a few other 49ers of the day)
Sat with John Madden & talked/watched a lil' college football,
at Blackhawk Country Club, when I was there in the 90's...
I brought up I had met him back in like 1969-70 (I was 9-10-ish)
at my dad's shoe store, in Laffeyette or Pleasanton stores
he said he remembered it (the store, not me so much)
It was something I'll always remember, what a nice humble guy,
nothing like his TV persona, he drank Diet Coke IIRC...
Sat with & BS'd & golfed with PGA Scotty McCarren at Rancho Murieta CC,
he lived there, the same time as I did
I'm sure we broke bread & had drinks
what I consider famous
& you may be a completely different things/people
I've been around other famous people
but didn't care much about them, at all
I'm not really enamored by someone's profession or wealth
or care to dine with them
Tom Hanks was from my area in Concord Ca. & the local HS
he was a couple of years ahead of me in school...
But, he's a douche now thou...