Item 34 bid 90.00
#47= $500.00
2. New METAL garage sign "Mopar Quality parts". @moparedtn $25 post 434
I'm in for $60.00 bucks on #43
Item #46: 1997 Chrysler flag, I’ll go $125
Dave, I think @Paul Boucher beat you to that same bid first. Am I correct there? Thanks!2. New METAL garage sign "Mopar Quality parts". @moparedtn $25 post 434
Thank you and recording your bid now!I’ll go $100.00 for Item #4 RB rocker shafts
Atta boy.New METAL garage sign "Mopar Quality parts". @moparedtn $30 post 434
Thank you moparedtn, Outstanding job managing this wonderful and technical Auction!
I appreciate that a lot fellas - I had a little "on the job training" on this in the recent past, you know.lots of details to pay attention to, I am Impressed as well!
Thank you and duly recorded on the LIST, sir!I'll go $300 for item #12: NEW IN BOX Holley Street Avenger 770 carburetor by @Woodruff Carbs (Post #50)
Very good sir, recorded and thanks!$35 item #51
No I would think most would read the description and take a look at the pictures.Anything you'd like me to change on the Item description?
$125 shipping included… with the possibility of receiving a set of tassels? XL for you nipple boy!? On item #38
Is the starting bid $100? Or after $100 it gets free shipping?
Just want to clear that up kinda surprised there's no bid!