I have to join the group that has never had a problem with E10 fuels. I know, over the 4 automotive forums I belong to, there is a large faction believing E10 will do harm to your classic. A couple years ago I did a non scientific test between my 75 C3 with a mild build 355 original Rochester carb and my 70 Swinger 340 with a stock LA and original Carter carb. The Vette got a diet of non-ethanol and the Dart got E10 @ 90 octane. Both fuels were purchased from the same station with the E10 being, on average, $.90 cheaper. I put about 2,000 miles on each car over the Summer and put them up in November for the Winter. In my experience there was no difference in mileage, running temp, performance or starting with both fuels. In the Spring both cars fired after 3 or 4 seconds to fill the fuel bowls with no difference at all. I will have the same Spring startup test with my 64 Pontiac 400 cube run on 91 Non-E and my new Belevedere 440 cube that has lived on E10 @ 93 octane for at least the past 5 years.
Furthermore I have a 20hp lawn tractor, 2 weed eaters, a chain saw, a snow blower and a leaf blower. All are 10 years old or more except the tractor at 6. All are run on E10 @ 87 octane and have been running that fuel forever. There might be something to the earlier statement that the quality of fuel in NW PA. might be better but I have no way of knowing if that is true or not. Bottom line is; do what works for you and enjoy the hot rod under you.