I have been dicking with this thing for almost a week. It’s the numbers matching original engine and transmission to the car. The original bell housing too. I know that because one of the dowels had pulled out of the block and was still in the bell housing. The engine came in pieces though but the crank was still bagged fresh from the machine shop. Assembled the engine and everything was good. I decided to put a pilot bearing in instead of a bushing. Went to put it together and I will be damned if it stayed off about 3/8” and would not bolt up. I backed up and pulled the bellhousing off and made sure it bolted to the transmission. Yep. Pulled the pressure plate and clutch and did some measuring. Son of a bitch. It’s drilled, but not drilled deep enough. It measured 1.781 deep roughly. Supposed to be 2.25”. Evidently the crankshaft was trashed and they swapped it out. I should have checked everything. But just glancing at it looked obviously drilled for a four speed. You live and you learn I guess. Still sucks. Posting pics of the diagrams Wayne at Brewers provided for me to double check things by. I figure others may could use these as well. I sprayed dry graphite on the input so you can plainly see where it was stopping.
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