Not to be overall ****...LOL
How much power will you be making ?
It dyno'd 626hp/640tq but different carb. (muscle motor killer krate)
Is this a race car or a street strip car ?
you may-not need a 1/2" fuel line either...
a 3/8" like will flow nearly 2 times the fuel of the org. 5/16" line did
You could always get some 1/2" bulk line in a roll,
Checked on it today 35 bucks for 25ft they would bend it exactly the same as my old line and do flares if needed for around 50 out the door but they can't do longer than 6ft sections...
aluminum is cheap, stainless in nice {harder to work with or flare too},
flared or compression fitting is nice, anything but band clamps are great,
you could/should run a by-pass style fuel regulator,
with a return line back to the fuel tank...
Deadheading a pump with that much pressure isn't good...
Is that 450gph flow at high RPM or idle, you said it's a mechanical
I assume it's a piston style pump too, the diaphragm style pumps
will never flow that much, no matter the advertise rate...
A by-pass style reg. will keep the fuel & the pump cooler too...
Yes. It a piston style, the guys at race pump told me I should run AN8 (1/2") tank to pump and AN4 (1/4) for a return. I'm not knowledgeable or have a clue on this which is why I'm asking you guys. but I'm thinking I could just use the old 5/16" line as the return?
I like Aeromotive & Quickfuel stuff personally
Quickfuel was my first thought as I am using their carb and they suggested
no bypass
I'd do it all in AN fittings too, If your on a tight budget
you can do the Twist Lock style fitting...
AN-4 is 1/4", -6 is 3/8", -8 is 1/2", -10 is 5/8", -12 is 3/4"
depending on flow rates, not sure about your pump,
but you can "sometimes" get away with a smaller return line
than the feed, like a AN -8 feed & a AN-6 return...
Not always thou, really depends on the type of fitting,
restrictions on both ends & actual flow...
I don't have a clue the diagram they sent me for the pump suggest -8 to the pump and -4 return
the biggest issue is the size of return line going back into the
OE style fuel tank
Why is that?
you could/should add a return line fitting
instead of the 1/4" built into the sending unit?
is it a cell ?, or stock type tank ?
probably not a cell, I'd assume
if your talking about a sending unit style with a 1/2 " supply
I modified my sending unit to have a bigger return line
where the org. evap line went...
that style of OE tank sending unit {if it's what I assume your talking about},
really won't flow much better that the 3/8" units do,
but if you need it I'd go with the larger size...
Not sure I need it but it can't hurt, can it? The unit for 68-70 is the one I'm looking at. Its a
Spectra Premium unit. Unit - 1/2