Couple of questions first:
1. How long have you owned this car/engine?
2. Is it a real Max Wedge engine?
Why do I ask?
Simply put, ALL Max Wedge engines "flooded out" Period!
Yes, it's true (as you may already know what I'm talking about)
The runners on a Max Wedge were (are) so long, these animals would take 20 minutes to "warm-up" (again, you already know that)
During cold days or high humidity, the engines were extremely difficult to get "warmed-up"and present a decent idle to be driveable.
Again, owning one, you know that.
Does not the Max Wedge fuel pump have more "flow and pressure capability?"
FROM: "maxwedge.com" :
Three valves provide extra pumping capacity. High spring load provides higher fuel
FROM: "maxwedge.com":
This engine is designed primarily for the elevated operating temperatures
generated by performance driving. That's why heating arrangements have been
removed from the intake manifold. During cold-weather operation, the resulting
tendency toward carburetor icing and delayed warm-up can be combatted by partially
covering the radiator, using a gasoline with anti-icing additives, and allowing
the car to stand for a few minutes with the engine
My advice, call the expert, Mr. Dale Reed, Baldwin Park, CA (He built my engine)
Dale Reed Professional Engine Builder specializing in high performance Mopars 5125 Lante St. Baldwin Park, California 91706 626-851-1353.
This is Mr. Dale Reed with my Max Wedge (440 build-up)
Call him.