Sad to see your kid a young kid, drug under to death, in a gators jaws,
right in front of you...
A little compassion is warranted, even for a stupid human...
I smell a lawsuit coming too...
Big $$$, maybe rightfully so too...
But people should be careful
but should have some sort of resemblance of safety in a big resort like that,
would be expected...
I wonder if there was any good warnings or signs etc.?
Probably ? but how clear was the danger ?
was there a thought of some sort of safety ?
It's a sad deal either way, my deepest & heartfelt condolences
goes out to them too, this was a 2 year old child eaten' by a gator people...
I don't know if it would have stopped me from going in
& trying to save my kid, probably wouldn't have let him in the water thou,
in the 1st place too...
But sometime 2 year olds do some quick escapes too, seems a bit phishy...
I guess you'd never know until it happens...
Lets not forget this was just a 2 year old, **** happens too...
Yes it sucks, even if the human adult parental element, was an idiot...
Humans 1st thou, especially children, young children...
I'd kill every one of them in the area,
it's not like they are in danger or extinction or endangered,
there's millions of them...
It was a man made body of water too,
it's not a swamp or bayou or levee...
Maybe a false sense of safety, I don't know...
Who knows what the father was thinking,
he allegedly fought for the child too...
Had scars & bleeding, panicked & distraught, no doubt freaked out etc.,
especially if he's from somewhere, they don't have gators...
But you have to expect that gators could get there too,
it's Florida & it was a 7' gator, that's not that big really...
Chute em' Jacob, chute em'