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Gobeckli Tepe update..

Hmmm, Planet of the apes maybe?? Cannot dig further to show evidence of an existence that is contrary to the current narrative???
Ghostrider, if you give consideration to the works of Zecharia Sitchen, your statement makes a lot of sense; even offers a "why" go through all that trouble to build such an elaborate complex. Key words: Marduke, interplanetary interactions, massive and immediate polar shifts, "Noah's" Flood.
What I find to MORE interesting is this: In order to be fundamentally skilled in the art of stone masonry to such a degree that one can create such magnificent structures over a 90 acre facility he would first need to be trained and have the background in arts that would supply him with the vision needed to depict, accurately, animals and celestial events in stone. In order for all these things to have happened he would need to have been part of a large village/ group where agriculture was well established so that he would be spared the daily grind of farming, hunting, gathering and building. Not just the one mason, but scores of them, it's 90 ACRES of stonework. So, knowing all of that, and winding backwards the "clock", you can see that this "civilization" would have to have been prospering for many thousands of years. Now, remember, this site is 12,500 years old. That puts it at the tail end of the Younger Dryas mini ice age. So, these people were around, and thriving BEFORE the Younger Dryas, because they knew enough about celestial mechanics to depict the comet impact and the devastation from it.
So, they would have been around at the end of the actual previous Ice Age, the big one. But for how long back? How did they survive the Younger Dryas?
Remember, those stones are 16 feet tall and weigh 50 TONS. How many millennia would a civilization need to be around before the technologies to move such stones would be discovered or developed?
Now to REALLY mess with the mind consider this: Where, and from whom, did these peoples LEARN to do these things?
It took European civilization a long time to come up with the wheel, and stone cutting/ masonry. All the way from the Stone Age to at least 4500BC when the Pyramids were "Supposedly" built. So, if, and it appears that they MUST have done, they learned to do these things from some OTHER civilization, who were they? How far back into antiquity do THEY go?
Stone Age is said to be from 2.6 million years ago to around 3300BC at the start of the Bronze Age.
The Sumerians started around 2900BC and had stone masonry.


As you can see, even Egyptian beginnings are only at 4500BC when they would have had building skills at the end of the Stone Age.
Nobody will EVER convince me that the Egyptians had complex mathematical skills, masonry skills, engineering skills, and design build skills including the skills needed to assemble and field a gigantic workforce every season for a minimum of 20 seasons to build those Pyramids during the STONE AGE! I mean, the base of the Great Pyramid covers a full 16 acres of bedrock that has been ground down and dressed to within 1/4" deviance from dead level over the whole area from any angle! It's well settled science and history that the Sumerians gave us writing and mathematics, BEFORE the Egyptians were even a force to be reckoned with.
Side note: see where the red printing is in the upper right corner? "Anthropogenic Global Warming Hysteria"...lol...gotta love that. That point represents the mean temp globally of 15C or around 59F. You can see that it became MUCH hotter globally at around 6000BC at over 16.5*C globally. You can clearly see that it has happened before... and not just once before, but at least 5 - 6 times. Those 5 or 6 warm spots are why it's said that WE are the 7th civilization on Earth. The formers having all been ground into mud beneath ice. This is an old chart, 2014 was supposed to be the start of the new Ice Age....

You can see that the Gobekli Tepe site was built, at least ending, well into the, and before the end of the, last Glacial Ice Age period. A thousand years before the end. It took God knows how many years to build it all from the beginning.

You can see that from the Today line backwards to around 25,000 yrs ago was a period of coming OUT of the glacial Ice Age and around 12,500 years ago before the mean temps reached a steady 30*F. So, even if the builders of Gobekli Tepe began building it , let's say 100 years before 12,500 years ago, they would have been fighting below freezing weather the whole time. and for millennia before that too.
Lots to consider.......many other mundane things need to have occurred before they would have been able to build this place.
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It's my belief that at the point where the people associated with this site decided to decamp for other climes they must have reasoned that they found little to nothing remaining from past civilizations, and that since the Ice Age had happened before it would happen again and wipe out all their efforts at a warning about comets and ice ages, they thought to bury the site. On purpose. Hoping it would save the site for future peoples to see and understand it. Good idea. as it turns out. It could just as easily NOT have been discovered yet and be buried in ice still, waiting for whomever follows us to find it. Think about it, what structures are old enough to maybe have been here before the last ice age?
The Sphinx, the Great Pyramids, Angor Wat? Gobekli Tepe? Easter Island Heads? South American ruins?
The Pyramids and ruins in other parts of the globe are aligned. So, did the Egyptians have the ability to do that? In 4500 BC at the end of the freaking Stone Age? I think not.
So, that leaves two answers to the question: Who DID build these great works in stone?
1. Aliens.
2. Previous civilizations from before at least one Ice Age and perhaps further back......
If this is so then they had the ability to traverse the globe. By air, because there's no way to keep it aligned by going over land and sea.
So, just how advanced were these peoples? Seeing as how not one scrap of physical evidence remains of them that doesn't bode well for THIS civilization in the near future when our string plays out due to whatever. Global Nuclear exchanges, comets, asteroids, precessional changes like pole reversal, crustal shift , the Sun killing us off..etc..
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It's my belief that at the point where the people associated with this site decided to decamp for other climes they must have reasoned that they found little to nothing remaining from past civilizations, and that since the Ice Age had happened before it would happen again and wipe out all their efforts at a warning about comets and ice ages, they thought to bury the site. On purpose. Hoping it would save the site for future peoples to see and understand it. Good idea. as it turns out. It could just as easily NOT have been discovered yet and be buried in ice still, waiting for whomever follows us to find it. Think about it, what structures are old enough to maybe have been here before the last ice age?
The Sphinx, the Great Pyramids, Angor Wat? Gobekli Tepe? Easter Island Heads? South American ruins?
The Pyramids and ruins in other parts of the globe are aligned. So, did the Egyptians have the ability to do that? In 4500 BC at the end of the freaking Stone Age? I think not.
So, that leaves two answers to the question: Who DID build these great works in stone?
1. Aliens.
2. Previous civilizations from before at least one Ice Age and perhaps further back......
If this is so then they had the ability to traverse the globe. By air, because there's no way to keep it aligned by going over land and sea.
So, just how advanced were these peoples? Seeing as how not one scrap of physical evidence remains of them that doesn't bode well for THIS civilization in the near future when our string plays out due to whatever. Global Nuclear exchanges, comets, asteroids, precessional changes like pole reversal, crustal shift , the Sun killing us off..etc..
The pyramids are gigantic examples of a Tesla tower, built over large underground water. Built from materials that act as an amplifier.

The pyramids created a electromagnetic field. The materials used in the pyramids were chosen specifically, for this purpose.

Stuff on this planet is much older then the authorities want to tell us. The site in question on this thread likely debunks a lot of what we have been told, and possibly confirms a lot of things they don;t want to tell us. The imagination can go wild on that, anything from our origins, confirmation of Noah's flood(irrefutable proof) maybe confirmation of God or aliens. Who knows. We won't now, WEF has put it all on halt.
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