video looked & sounded good
hard to see much sort of far away/little view
still cool as hell
sorry if this goes overboard,
or you don't have the time or availability/ability or software etc.
just curious
I don't remember what or if any, you have
tuning aides (electronics/computer or data logging)
can you data log at all ?
record &/or print out the run ?
see exactly where it's doing what
did you do any plug readings ?
if so, how's it look ?
I assume you have a AFR meter (can't remember what you have)
if so, what kind of AFR ? did it have in the traps or at 1000' WOT ?
put more timing '
in' at the lower end, add fuel
better take off/launch & poss. better 60ft & ultimately better ET
& then pull some timing '
out' on the big end, add more fuel, run more MPH
if you have that ability to do so, not running out of gear or rpm
old school stuff
hard to tell in that video
but did it spin much on launch ?
do you have a way to check wheel speed ?
what kind of launch rpm ?
is there room for more ?
what kind of RPM in the traps ?
is there still more there ?
running out of gear or not enough ?
&/or converter ?
(what actual stall speed & converter slippage rate)
what kind of tires & air pressures ? any room there ?
put a little (smaller diam.) pulley on top, than you currently have
&/or a big (larger diam.) pulley on the bottom, than you currently have

baby boost 
, add more fuel
(just don't detonate the **** out of it, do 1-2 HP improvements at a time)
Al it sounds like fun, I'm envious & thanks for sharing
MPH/Trap speed is HP available
(with a blower that's all variable for sure, early tire spin can play a big part too)
ET is the cars/suspension shocks/tires/traction all combined
& ultimate ability of the 'whole car' to work together
& proper tuning to get down the track, in that specific conditions