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Graveyard Carz Fall 2015

after having read this entire thread thru twice,
all i can say is some of you remind me of a pack of hyenas attacking a wounded lion.

the one halfass decent Mopar only show,
and hey lets pick it apart to death,
and attack the people who joined up from the show too.

sure,they make mistakes,sure some of you have restored many cars.
but,theres gotta be a better way than this to communicate.....
arent we all Mopar guys??
I forgot, you don't understand Mark humor. The jokes on you for taking him seriously when he says that.

No different than Michael Scott saying he's the world best boss. :rolling:

- - - Updated - - -

Not directly, but there is some with an agenda to use anything they can to project their negativity to the end product of what GYC does.

Now its a joke..
thats not what you told us before when you attacked me
Can you flip flop around anymore like a wiggly worm?
Its getting beyond pathetic now
Its sad..
Originally Posted by Richard Cranium
What's that mean in English?

lmao maybe its Portuguese?
thanks for making my Point,and within 5 minutes too.
i would have no problem with them if they were just honest
when you blow smoke up people's asses
Then attack on people who point out the truth
then when the truth speaks
Its now a joke
Shows exactly what kind of people they are...
They should be in politics not restorations..
If one can dish the bantering amongst employees...Then one can take the constructive criticism of the viewers.....

We can all man up and take that, right? Or did things fail to descend? If it was there to descend in the first place.
Internet Troll = New label and possibly an award here on FBBO? lmfao!

In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[SUP][1][/SUP]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[SUP][2][/SUP] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion,[SUP][3][/SUP] often for their own amusement.

This sense of the word "troll" and its associated verb trolling are associated with Internet discourse, but have been used more widely. Media attention in recent years has equated trolling with online harassment. For example, mass media has used troll to describe "a person who defaces Internet tribute sites with the aim of causing grief to families."[SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP] In addition, depictions of trolling have been included in popular fictional works such as the HBO television program The Newsroom, in which a main character encounters harassing individuals online and tries to infiltrate their circles by posting negative sexual comments himself.[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP]
found this little gem on face book

Public Record Springfield PD
How could this be
With a lot full of cars waiting for work and a tv show? Lol
after having read this entire thread thru twice,
all i can say is some of you remind me of a pack of hyenas attacking a wounded lion.

the one halfass decent Mopar only show,
and hey lets pick it apart to death,
and attack the people who joined up from the show too.

sure,they make mistakes,sure some of you have restored many cars.
but,theres gotta be a better way than this to communicate.....
arent we all Mopar guys??

Another that gets it!!!. Just a note here: If there is really anything that I found distasteful is when Mark refers to his Daughter as, "the seed of my loins." while on camera. Come on Mark!!! She is your Daughter and should be treated as such. We all know how you can be a Dick sometimes but that is purely a demeaning swipe at her. Just really hit me as how crass you can be despite my support for the show and what you are doing...cr8crshr/Tuck
Gotta agree there, tacky expression. She is a good looking gal in person. Marks wife must have been a hottie.
Like to talk to Derrick about doing my Rr. Anybody find him yet ?
Derrick Sanderson... You'll see him

Darren Kirkpatrick is there also ;)
Does anyone know if GYC restorations are a pre-determined set price before they start or is it a pay as you go situation?
Nobody will do pre-set restoration prices, period. Too many variables that no one knows what will pop up! When the car comes back from Media Blasting, it's a different ball game...your nice 'Rust Free' e-bay haul you spent WAY TOO MUCH money on is a POS that was filled with Bondo. I tell you I honestly LAUGH MY *** OFF in my Blasting helmet as I blast off that shiney paint and find 5/8+ inch of Bondy covering holes and rust, and under that some newspapers used as FILLER! When I pick up a B Body Fender I can tell if it's loaded with filler just by its weight. Trust me, you can hide all sorts of damages with paint, filler, undercoating, etc. I see it all the time, and, tell people to NEVER buy a car at top dollar unless the car has verifiable proof it was media blasted and pics can back up that claim.

I was banned by GYC facebook page last year because I jumped on the Rex bandwagon and found it very funny to dish back to Mark what he appeared to dish out on his show. His show has a unique ability to bring us all into familiar territory meaning that we all feel like we know him, when we probably really don't! Howard Stern has that same ability. I can understand the banning from a business perspective as you can't have a lot of trash-chatter on one's business website as it will have perhaps a 90% chance of turning people away from future possible business just from reading the reactionary comments (which I was a participant in) Now, having my own business I can appreciate Marks point of view and business perspective, I suppose it was the crass toilet humor that I still find entertaining that the older seasons of GYC engaged in. One always has to up their game, be better tomorrow than we are today. I do this all the time in my endeavours, and respect anyone who does the same themselves.
I suppose Mark should be proud that his creation can generate so much emotion, good or bad. You may think he’s an idiot and a jerk but it’s an act people, and he has drawn you in - hook, line and sinker. Except HE knows it’s an act, and he probably can’t understand why everyone doesn’t see that. I am sure Mark has learned a lot about people in the last couple years.

As for the current season, I do enjoy it more but I wonder if the mindless core audience will start flipping channels. We all care about option codes and OE assembly techniques but does the average viewer? I’d like to see the cars moving more, maybe a featurette every couple episodes set to music. I’d also like to see Mark do some show footage from one of the major mopar events. Mix it up.

As far as the quality of work, I would be more than ok with a GYC level resto. I think, especially for an occasional driver, they are probably providing great results at a good price. They are not doing sky high, decade long concours restorations but I bet they are moving in that direction, or would like to.

I was asked to submit some information about my car after getting the blessing from their handler a while back, figuring I have a tv car so they might be interested; I’m not sure what happened but I never got a response from Mark (I was told specifically that he would send me a reply), either the lack of 73/74 reproduction panels was a turn off, or my being upfront about dealing with a very limited budget wasn’t the best idea. Long story short, I certainly would have trusted them to do a fair job. Who knows, maybe they will run out of good cars by season 13 and I’ll get a call. haha
Nobody will do pre-set restoration prices, period. Too many variables that no one knows what will pop up! When the car comes back from Media Blasting, it's a different ball game...your nice 'Rust Free' e-bay haul you spent WAY TOO MUCH money on is a POS that was filled with Bondo. I tell you I honestly LAUGH MY *** OFF in my Blasting helmet as I blast off that shiney paint and find 5/8+ inch of Bondy covering holes and rust, and under that some newspapers used as FILLER! When I pick up a B Body Fender I can tell if it's loaded with filler just by its weight. Trust me, you can hide all sorts of damages with paint, filler, undercoating, etc. I see it all the time, and, tell people to NEVER buy a car at top dollar unless the car has verifiable proof it was media blasted and pics can back up that claim.

I was banned by GYC facebook page last year because I jumped on the Rex bandwagon and found it very funny to dish back to Mark what he appeared to dish out on his show. His show has a unique ability to bring us all into familiar territory meaning that we all feel like we know him, when we probably really don't! Howard Stern has that same ability. I can understand the banning from a business perspective as you can't have a lot of trash-chatter on one's business website as it will have perhaps a 90% chance of turning people away from future possible business just from reading the reactionary comments (which I was a participant in) Now, having my own business I can appreciate Marks point of view and business perspective, I suppose it was the crass toilet humor that I still find entertaining that the older seasons of GYC engaged in. One always has to up their game, be better tomorrow than we are today. I do this all the time in my endeavours, and respect anyone who does the same themselves.

GYC gives you a not to exceed price in your contract!
That's a good relief valve then, for sure that's a good idea! Hit that limit, assess what still needs to be done, regroup funds, or stop and conclude. Good idea.
That's a good relief valve then, for sure that's a good idea! Hit that limit, assess what still needs to be done, regroup funds, or stop and conclude. Good idea.
The high end restoration shops give you a ballpark range but to set an actual cost is almost impossible. Those shops know roughly the overall cost but the unknown unforseen circumstances can throw a wrench in the game. Some you pay installments monthly, at certain percentages, or total.

A true OE type restoration to OE gold standards can start at 100k and up. A nice local show type of resto is about half that cost.
That's a good relief valve then, for sure that's a good idea! Hit that limit, assess what still needs to be done, regroup funds, or stop and conclude. Good idea.

That not to exceed price is for the complete job, they look at the car figure the worse and you negotiate with them from there. I guess it depends on the car.
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