It is getting tougher each year to buy and sell on Ebay and Marketplace. I have had good luck using PayPal by sending an invoice to the buyer. I never ask someone I don't know or don't know me to use F&F because it cancels out the buyers rights if you are dealing with a scammer. Trouble is, From what I have heard starting in 2023 PayPal keeps track of your sales now and if your sales exceed $600.00 in a calendar year, they report those sales to the IRS and send you a 1099 form for your taxes. With that said, what I have noticed is when I sell a used part for say $100.00 and the shipping fees are $25.00, PayPal will take their $5.00 off the top and credit me with a $120.00 income. So now, if I sell 5 more items, my totals for the year are $720.00. So I end up getting a 1099 showing I Made a $720.00 profit that I have to claim as income. What A bunch of ****! They want me to pay income tax on $150.00 I spent on shipping along with the $570.00 I recovered from selling excess parts that I already paid the taxes on. If this is how it shakes out, I will no longer be selling anything unless it is a cash in hand sale.