Again, the parts and pieces do not matter for the original question, but I understand your point of view. So what I have gathered from this thread is that anything was possible back in the day. Although it was possible for a fender tag to be missing from the factory, it would be extremely unlikely for that to happen. The fact that you have never seen an example of a fender tag missing from the factory, and no one else on this thread has reported that they are aware of any example of a fender tag missing from the factory tells me that this owner is either one in a million who is missing a fender tag from the factory, but he could never prove it, or it is much more likely that the fender tag was stolen or lost in some other way.
The owner of the car was telling me his story and I said I would post it on this forum as there are literally thousands of years of knowledge and experience available here, and I would pass along what I found out. I thank you all for your comments, and I apologize if I ruffled any feathers.