I have a 440 6-pack with a cheap pair of headers and a 4 speed manual on my 70 Charger. I get a metal to metal type noise at about 3000 rpm (kind of a repeating tap tap tap). Its fine with no noise between 0 and 3000 rpm, but once I hit about 3000 rpm, I start to hear this metallic type noise, like a piece of metal hitting another piece of metal. It always kicks in at about the same rpm. Do you think this could be from the headers? It comes in around 3000 rpm, but then if you give it some gas (goose it), it temporarily goes away and then comes back again when the rpm levels out again? I can rev it to 3000+ just sitting in the drive way and don't hear anything. I wasn't sure if this was a header noise, or the engine running lean, or detination.......any ideas are appreciated.
Also, looking under the hood, I have clearance around the headers everywhere, so they don't appear to be touching anything.
Also, looking under the hood, I have clearance around the headers everywhere, so they don't appear to be touching anything.