Those chrysler relay centers are known to be junk. Like everyone said, arter testing battery, cleaning terminals, test for power at starter solenoid. If not found, keep working twards ignition switch. Try starting in nuetral too. Security light on?
I have a 2003
Update: I have an ignition switch on order from Amazon because it was half the price of the auto parts store. In the meantime I had recalled some of you here mention the security light so today when I was preparing to remove the ignition switch I paid extra attention to the security light, RED DOT, on the upper information center. When I turn the key to accessory, the RED DOT remains on continuous. Now I'm wondering if I have a security mobilizer issue? When the van was operational, seems to me the RED DOT would come on at start-up and then turn off 15-sec or so after starting. So I'm not sure if what I'm seeing is normal or not?
In the video below, the guy describes the same exactly issue. A short time after replacing the car battery, his 2006 Caravan wouldn't start and the security light came on. He claims his fix was having a new key programmed. Others say remove both battery connections for a time and then touch them together to do a hard ECU reset. Is there anything else I'm missing?
Well, back to square one. Put in the new starter and the issue is not resolved. Same exact symptom. Starter won't crank. When I turn the ingnition switch to the start position I can hear a click from the relay panel but that's it. Also, I don't think I can hear the fuel pump go unto prime mode when I turn the ignition switch to the accessory position.
Now what?
Update and recap:
6) Tried PCM hard reset, (disconnect battery for more than 20-min and then touch and hold NEG/POS battery connections together for 20-sec.)
But here's a new development. I can jumper from starter relay location 87 on the fuse center to the battery and the starter spins over just fine.
Any other ideas?
My issues was it ran fine then just wouldn't fire up but just crank the motor. It wound by being the main CPU that took a dump. Good Luck
I still think your PCM has taken a dump and any type of hard reset is just wasting your time! You just blew off what I said so you're on your own PAL! Good Luck