Hi-I just bought a rebuilt Holley 780 vac sec to replace a newer Holley 850 Ultra XP double pumper; beautiful carb, but too big for my application, shouldn’t have bought it, but it’s done. I found a very nice looking rebuild mentioned above, and put it on the car this afternoon. This past weekend, plugs were changed, timing set, all good. Car ran as good as I could get it with the 850. Anyhow, bolted on the 780, cranked it up with coil wire removed to get fuel in, float level check, and gave it a couple squirts. Car fired up instantly, ran for a couple seconds, then stalled. Expected it, cold start no choke. I then turned key to crank it and gave a little pump of the accelerator pedal, when I heard a small pop, and saw small fire, flame coming out of carb, which I snuffed out in couple seconds. I didn’t try again, as I was pressed for time. Before trying tomorrow, is there anything I should do first, or just give it another try. Don’t want to do damage to the carb. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!