lamps are not designed to be frequently switched on and off.
Switch them on and leave them running.....the switching action produces an in-rush current which kills the electronics. The more they are switched the faster they deteriorate.
Same goes for CFL's....although I thought they had already gone the way of the Dodo.
I put the mini CFL's all over my house here in 2010,
when it was getting hard here to find good incandescent bulbs,
getting outlawed here

that last at all or of any quality,
when I changed a bunch of fixtures in the house
or just bulbs to CFL's
I've replace IIRC 5 bulb's, total of the likes, in the past 14 years now
mostly of them are/were in the 3) 25watt/10watt each, light stand up fixture
in the front room is on, from like 7am to 11pm every day/night
& 2) bulb 25watt/10watt over the sink, in the kitchen,
it gets shut on & off a lot...
I try to make sure to leave it on for 15 min.s, sometime I don't
most are multi bulb fixtures with 3) 25w/10watt usage each
HG (brand) R F029
100watt/30 watt usage each, for 2) 3 bulb fixtures in the master bathroom
1) 3 bulb fixture in dad's bathroom...
All 4) of the ceiling fans have 3 bulb fixtures too, same 25/10 watt
the kitchen still has 2) 4' 2 bulb Florescent fixture under the skylight, under diffuser panel...
I only replaced them 4) 4' Flor. bulbs 1 time in 17 years now,
Phillips open light fixtures & ballasts
sorry I don't have the # but are HG brand 100watt/30watt each CFLs
(not sure what HG stands for now, I just don't remember)
When we bought the place I put all new incandescent bulbs in everywhere,
a few new fixtures too, all 'clear bulbs' 25watt in the 3 light fixtures
& 45watt in the 2 light fixtures
100watt floods all outside, 2) bulb fixtures
our bill was $75 normally, until 2021, $125 peak or summer & winter,
now, it is $175 normally slack months & $300+ in winter or peak of summer,
with the HVAC thermostat set at 67* winter & 77* summer, turned off or down
when I go to bed)
I still have a collection of them incandescent clear bulbs stored,
from when I switched to CFL's
& changed a bunch of fixtures, to modernize the look of the place...
Wanted the same colored lighting everywhere 'cool white'...
I need to do that again too...
Our energy bill


is tripled in price,
since appr. Jan 2021 (?) & the suit with PG&E
over burning down the town of Paradice & killing a bunch of animals & people
from "alleged" negligence 'of their infrastructure', system, had started the fires...
Govn. Newsome gave them permission to raise it 2 times of 30%, more like 133% each
to cover their costs in having to pay the judgements of the lawsuits,
started the underground wires

in the mountains,
when they should have done when they were making $ billions in profits,
they just let **** rot...
I was looking at doing LEDs too, now

but all the tales of early failures

has me putting it off as long as possible, they are expensive per bulb, way more too...
my $1.25