I agree. While a colorful wording is a prefured method, outright curses (ing) is fine if used sparingly and with just cause. To curse for the sake of curses sake is just really kind of childish. If your mad and scream out something, well, fine. But to belittle or just writein a bunch of F bombs is something that really shouldn't be done. Consider your writings something that could be veiwed by a youngster.
My kids curse, but when they do so, it is at least applied in the proper manor.
Example; (Nearly under her breath) "****, I forgot my books at school, damn it"
it's not like; "Hey Dad, WTF is up you ol'bastrad, GD you look like a bucket of shyst, stop working so F'in much. And your so GD crabby! Stop being a D*** allready and calm the Frak down A-hole!"
LOL, That never happens though I'm sure the thought is there. (Ahhh, teenagers!)