Depends on how well you stack it.One trip in a long bed, two in a short.
I know it's not a 1st gen Dakota lol but even at that, one might carry that much. My 95 V6 short box (6.5') will do 1600 lbs if loaded right....I see a Dodge in the pic, so I say 1.
How much in 'cord' terms? Was the wood fresh cut and wet? I've had two 'full' cords that were fresh cut on my 2500 before and it wasn't an effort using side boards. Most of the places around here will sell you a 'cord' but it's usually 3/4's of a cord maybe.....There is probably 2,500 pounds of wood there. I had another 1/2 wheel barrow I threw off the side. If anyone wants to come over with their mini-truck I'll take some video.
A true cord is 8 foot X 4 foot wide and 4 foot high (128 cubic feet), so you'd better have those side boards.I'd say one load. Looks like you just unloaded it.
A heaping 8 ft bed (no side boards) of loose firewood is normally a cord or just over.