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How to use Spell Check on this Forum

Is this like Rage against the Machine? Down with the man and such?
In the big reality of things? Do you mean like, famine, war, dictatorships and tyrants? In relation to those kind of "big picture" subjects, spelling and grammer don't mean much at all. People who are dying or starving or being gassed by thier government could hardly give a **** whether you know how to spell "carburetor" or "transmission".
In the context of a forum, like this one, where you're trying to convey a point through the written word, its kinda fuggin' important if you want the people reading what you're writing to have some clue as to what the f**k it is you're trying to say.
Nope, this isn't life or death. Most things aren't.

I've read some of your posts, 99ss, and you seem to be a very good speller. And your penmanship is impeccable.

LOL... I just don't care what mistakes a person makes to be honest when they are talking online.... if I can get the message I could care less if the person was educated or not... mis-spelled or not... To me that's just chicken **** I don't care about ... I don't judge people that way. The context of what they say matters to me. That's just me. I can be very easy going at times... as well as the opposite. But lecturing about using an online spell check isn't my cup of meat. My spelling is horrible and I actually do use the feature... but I could care less if someone else does. BUT I will say... when I am gaming online and someone spouts off and you retort and put them in their place and the only thing they have left is to correct your spelling... I form a mental picture of a pencil necked geek and want to hurt them.

I have been annoyed with poor spelling and grammar all of my life. The way I figured it, if a guy like me with only a high school diploma can get 98% of my words spelled right, others can and should as well.
Texting has made things worse. I know some lazy slobs that have DEvolved as a result of abbreviated telephone text habits. You even see it in emails, craigslist, ebay ads....
There are some really helpful, sharp guys here and elsewhere that do not type, spell or write well. That does not make them bad people. If you give your time to help people, you possess some other qualities that cannot be taught in school.
I'd prefer to read perfect English all the time, but it isn't a perfect world.
Spelling doesn't matter............for the most part. But I do think we all should be able to spell the name of our car model correctly!!


I'm not judging anyone. Although, reading some of the replies some of you think I am.

I just stumbled onto the spell check while typing a reply this morning and thought I would share. It may make a difference if you are searching and can't find the topic because of a spelling error, either by the original poster or the one doing the search.

I am thankful for the folks who added it to the forum.

Thanks FBBO.
Not me, I just tend to joke around when people talk about misspelling.

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gdrill.That is pretty crazy, I read it with no trouble but then again I've seen some that couldn't even get it that close. LOL
who gives a ****... in the big reality of things ... sp[elling? reallie?

This country and western civilization were made great by people who "gave a ****" in everything that they did, in all things, great and small. Spend a little time in the ghetto and see the blessings of the "who gives a **** attitude" in spelling, speech, care of living quarters etc. The " who gives a ****" attitude is a mark of a persons character. When a person takes pride in ALL that they do great things happen. In the face of "the big reality of things" why not just lay down and die? A spelling error as a result of an earnest mistake means nothing , but if the reason for it is because the speller had the lazy slovenly attitude of "who gives a ****" there is no excuse for it and it speaks volumes about that persons character...
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I like spell check because it makes even me appear more literate. Besides, I make a lot of typos with my two-finger speed typing.
This country and western civilization were made great by people who "gave a ****" in everything that they did, in all thing, great and small. Spend a little time in the ghetto and see the blessings of the "who gives a **** attitude" in spelling, speech, care of living quarters etc. The " who gives a ****" attitude is a mark of a persons character. When a person takes pride in ALL that they do great things happen. In the face of "the big reality of things" why not just lay down and die? A spelling error as a result of an earnest mistake means nothing , but if the reason for it is because the speller had the lazy slovenly attitude of "who gives a ****" there is no excuse for it and it speaks volumes about that persons character...

Yes you are right. Because I choose to not critique some ones spelling and don't get upset about it, it does speak about my personality and yours. Very clearly. I do use the spell check and try to be correct. I don't care what another person does on such a trivial point. The fact that you and a couple others choose to argue with me and try and point out a character flaw or bash me because I don't care to bash someone else does speak volumes about you and them. Very loudly.
no... that's called humor and a lead in to a funny song .... Cant be helped if you don't have a sense of humor and yes I will give what I get. You and the other asscake bashed me because I don't bash mis-spellers and don't care to ... assaulting my character with the rhetoric about this country being founded.. really? Because I cut people slack on their misgivings. Honestly you should just shut up while your behind and not dig it deeper. Or not ah dohnt really kear....
What thread are you even reading? Nobody bashed you or even brought up your character. Don't recall any mention of the founding of this country or name-calling either, til you did it (asscake?).

So okay, genius. You win with "asscake". I don't really see anyway to top that zinger without dropping a few IQ points in the process.

Jeez, its like arguing with my ex-wife...she could not stop arguing even if I agreed with her. Nothing to fight about? No problem, just make somethin' up....
This country and western civilization were made great by people who "gave a ****"
... you missed that ?
carry on wayward son carry on.... Look at the timeline of posts ... I didn't quote anyone I had my opinion and shared it like everyone else... then I was quoted and the fun began. Like I said time for you to stop. Or not... you and clem can get a room and keep it going if you like. Tallhair will join you I'm sure. He got all butthurt when I gave him right back what he gave me because I posted in his MLB thread.

You want the last word go ahead.... I'm not going to argue with you girls about it anymore.... LOL
Truth and reason stand on their own merit, some get it, some don't. That is all...
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I believe in proper English and spelling. Even though I have had a "less-than-stellar" education, I have taken it upon myself to learn how to speak and write properly. Others will NEVER take your beliefs, or ideas seriously, if you cannot present them properly. I know alot of very wise men that start most of their sentences with "Y'all". And these men could teach most of my compatriots a thing or two, but they are discounted as ignorant by the way they speak.
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